american breeder
10-01-2005, 09:29 PM
One must consider many parameters for maxium output and
maxium growth.Of course we know from discus 101..that water with the lowest amount of ammonia etc..will produce the quickest growing fish.One thing we all have learned from my Asian counterparts is heavy heavy water changes..in Asia though the water they use is heavily contaminated with pathogeons..no amount of micron filtration can remove..i had a small RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT STATION IN ASIA for many years..i imported from switzerland the state of the art water treatment plant..cost was extreme for this unit..it could produce over 3000 gals a day of DISTILLED LABRATORY GRADE WATER..it worked and my Asian fish were disease free for the most part just like here in states .
I recently closed this station.
i dont use filters for my breeders , i have a AIR DIFUSER in each tank,on low .
my breeders are housed in 15 to 18 gallon modules. made of non porous plastic.I EMPLOY NO CENTRAL SYSTEM OF ANY KIND
except where the FRY ARE RAISED.
for 2 weeks . after that everyone is moved into their own tanks..

I change 90% of the water 3 times a day for the grow outs
i change 90% of the water twice a day for breeders
because of the state of the art LARVAE RAISING EQUIPTMENT I EMPLOY
but in a very small space
i can hold 10000 newly hatched larvae for up to two weeks
in the space of a large floor to ceiling book case

after the fish reach 2inches..which is what i sell mostly .over 80% of my output is sold in a 2inch model..after that the fish are moved to large water..these are fish i am interested in for many reasons..i power feed them and raise the light cycle to 18 hrs of strong light a day..i add krill and seaweed, and FISH EGGS to the mix.
and feed 4 times a day to all fish untill they have bulging stomachs..then poof change massive amounts of water at exact same temp..everything done at the same time of day each day..and within 12 weeks
from hatching the fish are now between 3 and 4 inches depending on the strain, and time of year.. also i have the temp at 80degrees for these grow outs. they grow fastest at this exact temp. Mr Chans temp.
he could put 30 2inch fish in a 20 gallon tank and before u knew it they were 4 inches..packed so tight ..incredible..

10-01-2005, 09:58 PM
One must consider many parameters for maxium output and
maxium growth.Of course we know from discus 101..that water with the lowest amount of ammonia etc..will produce the quickest growing fish.One thing we all have learned from my Asian counterparts is heavy heavy water changes..in Asia though the water they use is heavily contaminated with pathogeons..no amount of micron filtration can remove..i had a small RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT STATION IN ASIA for many years..i imported from switzerland the state of the art water treatment plant..cost was extreme for this unit..it could produce over 3000 gals a day of DISTILLED LABRATORY GRADE WATER..it worked and my Asian fish were disease free for the most part just like here in states .
I recently closed this station.
i dont use filters for my breeders , i have a AIR DIFUSER in each tank,on low .
my breeders are housed in 15 to 18 gallon modules. made of non porous plastic.I EMPLOY NO CENTRAL SYSTEM OF ANY KIND
except where the FRY ARE RAISED.
for 2 weeks . after that everyone is moved into their own tanks..

I change 90% of the water 3 times a day for the grow outs
i change 90% of the water twice a day for breeders
because of the state of the art LARVAE RAISING EQUIPTMENT I EMPLOY
but in a very small space
i can hold 10000 newly hatched larvae for up to two weeks
in the space of a large floor to ceiling book case

after the fish reach 2inches..which is what i sell mostly .over 80% of my output is sold in a 2inch model..after that the fish are moved to large water..these are fish i am interested in for many reasons..i power feed them and raise the light cycle to 18 hrs of strong light a day..i add krill and seaweed, and FISH EGGS to the mix.
and feed 4 times a day to all fish untill they have bulging stomachs..then poof change massive amounts of water at exact same temp..everything done at the same time of day each day..and within 12 weeks
from hatching the fish are now between 3 and 4 inches depending on the strain, and time of year.. also i have the temp at 80degrees for these grow outs. they grow fastest at this exact temp. Mr Chans temp.
he could put 30 2inch fish in a 20 gallon tank and before u knew it they were 4 inches..packed so tight ..incredible..
No need to shout :-)


Barb Newell
10-02-2005, 12:39 AM
Interesting information, thanks for sharing.


american breeder
10-02-2005, 01:01 AM
Interesting information, thanks for sharing.

my pleasure..this has been some fun for me..because im still in my bed, because of my broken rib..Jason mentioned u to me awhile back...if u have any further questions etc..feel free to email me..i enjoy talking to other breeders...i also have some great brood stock..anyway

Barb Newell
10-02-2005, 01:09 AM
I sent you a Private Message, I hope that rib heals soon :)

i enjoy talking to other breeders

Me too!


crimson cross
10-03-2005, 10:55 AM
No disrespect here, but I have to say that your explaination on your grow-out methods is conflicting...especially about the power feeding part at 80F....Maybe I misread you, if so, hopefully you can enlighten me...
Your humble student.

10-03-2005, 11:48 AM
.and within 12 weeks
from hatching the fish are now between 3 and 4 inches depending on the strain, and time of year.. also i have the temp at 80degrees for these grow outs. they grow fastest at this exact temp. Mr Chans temp.

please explain why a temp of 80F is so critical? What makes growth faster at that temp then 82? What could the time of the year have to do with growth except for a natural fluxuation of water parameter? Thanks! :D

american breeder
10-03-2005, 12:13 PM
No disrespect here, but I have to say that your explaination on your grow-out methods is conflicting...especially about the power feeding part at 80F....Maybe I misread you, if so, hopefully you can enlighten me...
Your humble student.
i will clarify then

when fish are very small we want a good metabolism.
but we dont want to speedy a metabolism or they will not gain weight quickly
the higher water temp will cause them to stay in this food to growth to temp ratio with slow advance 80 degrees.this is mild water temp
fish dont move to quickly stay
nice and bunched together
swim in a school
very pleasing to see this
if u raise water temp like most breeders'
fish move apart.
swim quickly
eat but burn it off in swimming about to much
moderation in discus like in life is best,,
notice i dont raise the temp untill much later on down the road
after i seperate them for final decison i lower the Ph and raise temp 86l

fish are growing very nicely and at 86 degrees they are slightly aggresive
and shine in the extreme
we like this warmer temp becuase we are not now so concerned with growth as they are almost 5 inches
we are more concerned with setting the stage for spawning and
so at this slightly higher temp the stage is set for good health and well being..
for adults..some pathogeons that can effect discus wont behave well at this water temp, and with the lowered Ph the water can stand higher contamination rate between water changes ie super heavy feedings
eventually as they get closer to actually laying eggs
water parameters tighten greatly and Lab analysis of fecal matter and skin scrappings begins to insure fish dont have contamination..
the 7 th fish is sacrificed for entire physical examination by VET

one must tight pack the fish
for best results
the size of the water in relationship to the size of the fish is equal to the pace the fish grow

if u but to small amount of fish in a tank
your growth rate will diminish accordingly
right amount
fish grow fast

concerning time of year very complex subject and u can do some research about how things in nature grow at different rates during different times of the year..
very complex subject for here sorry..email and i will point u to some info
i hope this clears it up

10-12-2005, 06:39 AM
i hope those ribs heal up and feel better M.

thank you for all the good info.
