View Full Version : Strange, it pop-out from one nares...

10-07-2005, 11:02 PM
Hi there,

I saw this a couple of days ago. I can't find the axect words to describe the problem, so I will try to do my best as I've never seen or heard of this before.

I was feeding my fished, and when one of my discus came in the front of my tank, there was a kind of pinkish bubble that was poped-out of one of his nares.
It's size must be arouns 1-2 millimeters...maybe.

Oh here I have the words for... it's like a blister right into it's right nare, but pinkish, not white.

So, I closed the light and stopped feeding for 2-3 days and added QuickCure as this cured a lot of problem I had with other kind of fishes outside Ick (half dosage because I have neon tetra in the tank).

Yesterday, the blister was gone... seemed. This morning it was back, and now it's gone... It keeps poping in-and-out I guess. I could see that there was a little little white dot on top of it. Maybe it's a kind of worm...

I thought about salt, but I know Neons doesn't support very well.

Can you folks tell me more, please???

I know you will ask me for more details on my water parameters. All I can say is that I am taking it once every months, ans it's fine. I do a water change (And yes I know this should be more) once a week, and feed once a day only.
My discuses live like this for now almost 1 years, and they all come ans see me in the front of the tank when comes feeding times, swim and eat very well.


10-09-2005, 08:06 PM
You could be seeing pus. Try treating in a bare 20 - 29 gallon hospital tank with furan II (double dose first dose)

Barb Newell
10-10-2005, 12:46 AM
Use a magnifying glass and try to see if what is popping out is alive, like a worm? If it is a worm, the scale will lift, it will pop out, then withdraw back in.
