View Full Version : DONT EVER FEED TUBIS

american breeder
10-14-2005, 04:12 PM

i have used them over the years and every single time they cause mayhem eventually

they are EVIL

great conditioning food
but totally pathogen contaminated

dont bother
use recipes i have already referenced
shrimp. earthworm flake shrimp flake krill fish eggs
yellow egg

grind up
form into logs
freeze shave with razor blade


10-14-2005, 04:14 PM
OK, I know I am going to open up a can of worms *pun intended* but what is YOUR opinion on California Black Worms? *I agree with the tuberfix though, drive out of my way to get CBW*

10-14-2005, 04:46 PM
I don't feed tubifex or blackworm to any of my fish because of the potential problems, but when i was a child i would walk the stormwater drains around home and collect tubifex for my fish every weekend. I couldn't afford anything more so my fish fed heavily on worms and some flake foods and never once did i have any problems i could relate to the worms. Now i'm not advocating the use of tubifex, but in my case it certainly wasn't the dome and gloom mostly associated with thier use.

10-14-2005, 06:12 PM

I get cbw from Dan in Fresno...I only did once, over a month ago and i still have them!! They look just like they did when i had them del'vd...I got the smallest batch for i think $23 or something like that...

I do not even know what a tubiflex worm is. Nor do i wanna....The cbw are enuff for me....Gary at GLD, suggested i get them and from Dan, when he shipped me my three discus~

What does anyone think of live brine shrimp?? Is that okay???


10-14-2005, 06:22 PM
i to was giving for years tubifex
i was feeding all of mine in tubifex and no problems
just very big size discus lol

american breeder
10-14-2005, 07:06 PM
OK, I know I am going to open up a can of worms *pun intended* but what is YOUR opinion on California Black Worms? *I agree with the tuberfix though, drive out of my way to get CBW*
no difference its all PR

10-15-2005, 09:28 AM
Ok this is a silly question but I want to make sure on this.

When you say yellow egg.....Are you saying you use the yoke?

Do you use a beefheart mix of any kind? Could you use the "yellow egg" :D in the beefheart mix?