View Full Version : Bacteria vs Fungus

10-18-2005, 11:28 AM
How do you tell the difference between fungal and bacterial infections?

One of my fish has a bit of white velvety fuzz in its gill (on the fleshy part inside the gill plate...).

It's just slight, so I tried turning up the heat and adding salt but didn't see any improvement. I went to buy some antibiotics or whatever and, since it's so minor, my LFS suggested an "all natural" treatment that he said wouldn't affect my plants or bother the fish. It's called "PimaFix" and the active ingredient is "Pimenta Racemosa". It's specifically for fungal infections. This company also makes a product called "Melafix" for bacterial infections; the active ingredient is a type of tea tree oil, "Mellauca". (see aquariumpharm.com (http://www.aquariumpharm.com/aqfish.html).

I don't see any improvement three days into treatment for a fungal infection (not getting any worse either...), so I'm thinking either this herbal remedy doesn't work, or it's actually a bacterial infection.

:confused: So two questions:

- How do you tell bacterial and fungal infections apart?
- Have you had any experience with these mild herbal products?


10-18-2005, 11:43 AM

For a quick fix I would do this:

Put all effected discus in a hospital tank

Do a PP treatment for 3-4 days total.

If you need help feel free to call me

10-18-2005, 11:49 AM
IS PP for bacteria or fungus?

My LFS doesn't sell it -- is it only available in pet supply stores?

This is such a mild infection I'm not keen on doing something as extreme as moving fish to another tank. There are only 4 fish in the affected tank so I'd rather just treat them all together even tho only one has any symptoms right now. Besides, my "hospital" tank is a 'nursery" tank right now -- just got 4 babies that I'm quarantining there.

10-18-2005, 12:12 PM
PP will kill both including your filter. That is why I suggested moving them. You could also do a dip in a bucket.

10-19-2005, 04:30 PM
To complicate matters further fungus can attack a wound where bacteria is also present. Many of the fish store cures for external problems will kill fungus - read labels.