View Full Version : Tank divider ideas

10-23-2005, 05:19 PM
Don't know if anyone else has had this need, but I have often needed a temporary divider for my tank and not been able to find one for my life. Thought I'd post a pic and a couple ideas for others, and maybe there's someone out there with an even better idea.

When my angels and palette cichlids spawned, I made a rather brittle plexiglass divider with lots of holes drilled in it and then covered with a finer netting. This kept water flowing somewhat, and smaller fish from invading the families' territories.

I've also had battles between new fish, or just at breeding time. Now I found and cut up a flat-sided laundry basket with large enough holes to allow very good water circulation and for small fish to swim through (or escape), but it keeps my angel on one side from being battered by the discus male on the other.

What was to be a temporary solution while I decided what to do with my angel, now may become permanent. I've had the angel 5 years (lost its mate) and I'm starting to like the look of the blue divider in the tank. Sort of modern, zones type of thing. :o

10-23-2005, 09:24 PM
Looks pretty cool there PJ. Seems like it is working for you.

10-24-2005, 01:03 AM
That makes a nice divider - thanks for posting the picture :)

10-24-2005, 09:52 AM
Very good idea! Thanks for sharing.

One quick question, how are you holding the divider in place?

10-24-2005, 10:03 AM
:D Thanks for the complements - do most people just go buy a divider? (Ie, maybe they are easier for you to find in your countries.)

It's really easy to use because it is so flexible and I can bend it when putting it in or taking it out, or to send a fish over to the other side. It is slightly wider than the tank, so it holds itself in place - the pressure of the bend (towards the filter side) holds it. I had a couple suction cups beside it just in case, but took them out. The only disadvantage is that it is narrower towards the bottom, but I stuffed a plant there which stops the larger fish.

My tank is prettier than it looks here, but I have to figure out how to take a better picture. I have bubble wrap around the filter to cut down on noise, need to dress that up too :o .