View Full Version : Discus tank mates

11-02-2005, 03:45 PM
Hello, can any of your share your experiences with me about your discus tank mates? How about angel fish, red parrot, green/gold servum, arrowana, frontosa? thx. I posted a similar Q 2 days ago, and somehow they deleted my post. I don't know why. So, I didn't had the chance to read your feed back. From my past experiences, I mixed red parrot in my 100 gallons tank with my discus. They did well in the same tank. Another experience I had is that I raised a small silver arrowana from the beginning to 9-10' inches long and mixed it with my discus. Although they did Ok in the morning, I suspected the arrowana bitted my discus overnight. B/c I usually saw a bit mark on my discus's body and fin damaged. *Feel free to drop down your comment and opinion. thx.............

11-02-2005, 03:54 PM
Hey Blue Planet,

angel fish= OK
green/gold servum= NOT RECOMMENDED
frontosa= IMPOSSIBLE ( needs hard water and aggressive)

I keep Corries and Rams with my discus, I also have some Ancistrus in there and you can keep some tetras too.



11-02-2005, 04:16 PM
Hello, can any of your share your experiences with me about your discus tank mates? How about angel fish, red parrot, green/gold servum, arrowana, frontosa? thx. I posted a similar Q 2 days ago, and somehow they deleted my post. I don't know why. So, I didn't had the chance to read your feed back. From my past experiences, I mixed red parrot in my 100 gallons tank with my discus. They did well in the same tank. Another experience I had is that I raised a small silver arrowana from the beginning to 9-10' inches long and mixed it with my discus. Although they did Ok in the morning, I suspected the arrowana bitted my discus overnight. B/c I usually saw a bit mark on my discus's body and fin damaged. *Feel free to drop down your comment and opinion. thx.............

silver arowanas are very docile creatures and will not bother your discus...especially if you introduce them together in a tank. But if the silver arowana is the first one in that tank ........and after a few months you introduce discus........the arowana will have a tendency to be very territorial, and will stress your discus. The key is....introducing them at the same time in a tank...while both discus and arowana are young.

Asian arowanas and australian arowana........are very aggressive, and will not be compatible with your discus.

Well, I recommend having stingrays as tank-mates. They will not bother your discus :)