View Full Version : A tank becomes too small when ....

11-06-2005, 01:53 PM
It looks like my discus are feeling much better. I have 9 discus around 8-9 months old in a 90 gallon bb tank. One discus is really guarding a corner of the tank and chases everyone away, tail slapping, lip locking. This causes a chain reaction with everyone. There is no one fish being targeted in all this.

When pairing and spawning becomes apparent, is this where a person has to decided whether to start pulling out pairs and housing them in a separate tank for spawning, etc...? If everyone is left in the 90, what will happen (besides the obvious of eggs being eaten)? Will there be continual fighting and stress in the tank? Is 9 too many in this tank as they continue to grow?


11-06-2005, 04:31 PM
The rule of thumb from what i have been reading is 1 fish per 10 gallons of water.

11-06-2005, 05:33 PM
You are right on bigfoot. Rule of thumb is 1 gal per fish (juvies/adults). Also depends on how many and how much wc's you are doing.

As far as them spawning in the tank is based on what you want to do? Are you wanted to try the breeding game? If so, go ahead and get ya a breeder tank (i recommend a 29 gal) and get you a filter to start cycling.

If you don't want to play the breeding game then it is not gonna hurt for them to spawn in the community tank. Once someone layes eggs in their and that hormone is in the water your other fish get real spuncky :D . At least mine do.

Barb Newell
11-06-2005, 08:18 PM

Once someone layes eggs in their and that hormone is in the water your other fish get real spuncky

Angela is right about that one. When I leave mine in the community tank, and one female starts laying eggs... X-Rated orgy!!!! Moments like this can be a little embarrassing when company is over lol

I'm really glad your fish are doing better, good job:thumbsup: Extra water changes seem to have done the trick.


11-08-2005, 03:18 PM
Hey Barb,

Can you bag some water for me and ship them my way? =)

Nice checkerboards.



11-08-2005, 09:59 PM
I prefer to leave them in the orgy tank until a pair spawns and you get wrigglers. Then they go into their own breeder tank. Lots of "false" pairings going on in a tank of adults.
