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11-13-2005, 12:21 AM
Help im new to this and my males smashing my girl around! I have a pair of discus in a 3 foot tank, i was so happy and suprised :) when they had there first batch. They looked after the eggs well together but the fry never made it past the wriggler stage, they layed about once a week for about 6 weeks then stopped.
They were ok till yesterday when they started acting weird. His nipping/ tail slapping at her and chasing her round and round, but she keeps going back to him? Is this normal?? what should i do? :confused:

11-13-2005, 01:10 PM
Welcome to the breeding side of the hobby.

You have to have alot of patience with them. Give them time and they will get there. How old are your fish?

You might want to try putting them in a community tank and let them have a break for a while. If they have been spawning for 6 weeks in a row they might just need a little breather.

As far as it being normal, mine do this on occasions. But alot times it is when they have fry on them.

11-14-2005, 01:19 AM
Ive had the fish for about 8 months but not sure how old they where when i got them. They have been happy in the tank together but now his started to bite her chase her till she hide behind the fillter and wont let her eat. Why the change do you think?

11-14-2005, 06:14 PM
The change in their behavior can be alot of different things. I would still suggest you move them or just him to a community tank. Let her have a little time to herself and then try it again in a week or 2. You could always try another male with her to see how they act to each other.

11-15-2005, 01:15 AM
Ok thanks will try. but i only have 3 discus this pair in one tank and a male (i think) in a community 5 foot tank with loachys, silver dollers and a angle and a few other fish. i could swap the males over. or devide the tank. thanks