View Full Version : Breeding Discus Question

11-13-2005, 03:30 AM
I plan on Breeding discus, and I also plan on selling the juvies. Would dyou guys know anywhere to sell them or clubs or auction I coul bring them to in the Bay Area, California?

Greg Richardson
11-13-2005, 11:28 AM
Try Craigslist or Pet Shops also. Pet Shops could use some decent ones.
That way no shipping involved.

11-13-2005, 12:59 PM
Try Craigslist or Pet Shops also. Pet Shops could use some decent ones.
That way no shipping involved.

But they dont take care of them at lfs, Greg.....http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_1_44.gifA friend of mine who posts here , took some to our lfs and she was so hurt cuz they all look sick now....

Having said that what else is there to do that wouldnt involve shipping...you are correct....

Catch 22~


11-13-2005, 01:13 PM
Advertise locally in the paper. Advertise online stating pick up only. Work the local market as best as you can by advertising everywhere. And yes, sell to LFS, but only if they're good LFS who know what they're doing with fish.


11-13-2005, 02:28 PM
I plan on Breeding discus, and I also plan on selling the juvies. Would dyou guys know anywhere to sell them or clubs or auction I coul bring them to in the Bay Area, California?

Clubs such as PCCA, SVSA and SFAS can sell your Discus if you are one of
their members, but don't be surprise if your receive only $5 for 3 discus and a few dollars for an adult.


11-13-2005, 08:58 PM
How much do you think I should be able to get as an averge from the general public, lfs's, and clubs for juvies and also adults

11-13-2005, 10:49 PM
Clubs such as PCCA, SVSA and SFAS can sell your Discus if you are one of
their members, but don't be surprise if your receive only $5 for 3 discus and a few dollars for an adult.


does this help?

11-13-2005, 11:23 PM
Marie is right... you definatley won't be scoring big bucks selling discus as a hobby. There are some people who work at it full time, and most say it's not the money, but the love of the fish that keeps them breeding. Good luck though.


11-14-2005, 12:03 AM
that must have been unclear
You mean ill be getting 5 bucks from people I advertise to from the newspapaer? ANd lfh's too?
Ill check those clubs out soon
ps. Sorry for the unclear question

11-14-2005, 12:11 AM
btw I found the PCCA website
can you tell me the other two clubs' websites... THnks

Greg Richardson
11-14-2005, 12:24 AM
One more thing.......
The price for your juvies will depend on size and quality when you sell them.
Look around and see what the market is like for the size and type you plan to sell.

There is no reason at all if you have the spare time as a hobbyist you can't make some money over time.

Just don't plan on it happening right away.

And if you are smart don't keep track of your time. LOL!

11-14-2005, 04:52 AM
But i also plan on breeding some other fish like gouramis, guppies, and angelfish
Thanks for the advice lol

11-14-2005, 11:13 AM

take it from me - i have been down this road you wish to travel - if you are planning on breeding discus only to make money you better keep your day job!
The food, electricity, water, packing supplies etc. plus many other factors will eat most if not all the profits that you make. And after all that if you manage to stick with it and aren't burnt out, it will take a long time to become profitable and expect to put out alot of money in the beginning. hope this helps.

good luck, john

11-14-2005, 08:40 PM
ACtually, I'm a highschooler aspiring to become a dentist
Not only do i plan on breeding now, but I plan to open a shop when I grow up...

I really plan on trying this with 2 of my friends. They will sign up at this forum shortly

As I plan on going "down the road" do u have any advice for me?

11-17-2005, 01:43 AM
heh no response? adcie? :(

11-17-2005, 02:48 AM
Start with the best stock you can get your hands on, raise the highest quality fish you can, help as much people with discus problems as you can, develope your techniques and refine them. The rest will take care of itself, there is a demand for quality and affordable discus just about everywhere.

When I started breeding discus the lps's in my area did'nt want the fry as they just expected the discus would die before they were sold eventhough they bought tons of angels from me and had no problems.
I gave ALOT of discus away at first so people could learn how to care for them, eventually things picked up and I was lucky enough to be able to sell to a wholesaler, never made a dime though lol, but It paid for more tanks and better discus.

american breeder
11-17-2005, 04:02 AM
Start with the best stock you can get your hands on, raise the highest quality fish you can, help as much people with discus problems as you can, develope your techniques and refine them. The rest will take care of itself, there is a demand for quality and affordable discus just about everywhere.

When I started breeding discus the lps's in my area did'nt want the fry as they just expected the discus would die before they were sold eventhough they bought tons of angels from me and had no problems.
I gave ALOT of discus away at first so people could learn how to care for them, eventually things picked up and I was lucky enough to be able to sell to a wholesaler, never made a dime though lol, but It paid for more tanks and better discus.
when u say better discus are u talking about
1 pair of red diamonds solid type
1 pair of eruption type
1 pair of 2000 character super dot

if u can pay for your hobby that should be in most cases enough

some want fame and richs


11-17-2005, 12:38 PM
There are people who have a lot of money

and then there are people who are rich~


11-18-2005, 12:22 AM
I'm going to stock my 240 gallon show tank with discus and pick off pairs from there. I only have room for 2-3 pairs as I plan on having 2-3 angel pairs also. i have like 10 55 gal growout tanks tho.... You guys can check the DIY to give advice on my fishroom. It will be done in about december 20th.

11-18-2005, 12:50 AM
I'm going to stock my 240 gallon show tank with discus and pick off pairs from there. I only have room for 2-3 pairs as I plan on having 2-3 angel pairs also. i have like 10 55 gal growout tanks tho.... You guys can check the DIY to give advice on my fishroom. It will be done in about december 20th.
Since you said that people would much rather buy angelfish, should I have 3 pairs of angels and 2 pairs of dicus?
I also plan on breeding rams.

11-18-2005, 02:18 AM
I think California must have the most discus sellers... in the country.

11-18-2005, 02:34 AM
I think California must have the most discus sellers... in the country.

David, why do you think that is?? Other than cuz I live here!! lol!! Seriously, you are talking sellers, not breeders? Or ..........the same?


11-18-2005, 11:46 AM

Yes, we do...

Both importers and breeders.


11-21-2005, 10:09 PM
1. Stick with your plan A ------Study hard and hopefully will become a dentist somedays, THEN
2. Go with plan B when you have free times to come into this forum to learn about breeding and keeping discus. There's lot of infor in here.

I say, concentrate on your plan A. If you don't build a good foundation for yourself, your plan A's goal will be unreachable. As you get older it will be harder to reach. For plan B, you can start anytime. Focus on plan A and learn more about plan B during your spare time.

Just my 2 cents