View Full Version : possible GILL fluke ??

11-15-2005, 12:16 AM
Hi I need advice on some meds. I have a discus that I believe has gill flukes. I have been adding salt at 2 tbsp to 10 gallon of water and water changes of 90% per day for the last 2 weeks and see no change. The fish is breathing very hard and fast and gasping at the top of water, not eating . Temp is at 82 degrees and ph is 7.0. He has a whitish stuff hanging out of his gills .Gills still look red . I used quick cure with the salt for the first week every other day. After no signs of getting better I used clout for 2 days every other day with 90% water changes every day.
Is there anything else that will save this fish??He is part of a breeding pair.
He is just floating around the tank right now .I have added a large air stone about 10" long in the tank and have a sponge filter running.


11-20-2005, 05:15 AM
Just wanted to update this thread .He died tonight .Still looked healthy but not eating,no white poop. Just the gill problem.I was dosing with maracyn and maracyn 2 in case of gill disease.

11-20-2005, 06:28 AM
I'm sorry to hear of your loss


11-20-2005, 08:35 AM
Are you de-chloronating when doing your large water change?

Gasping at the surface sounds like chlorine poisoning. If its gill fluke, you can use hyde.

White Worm
11-20-2005, 03:49 PM
Use formaldehyde / formalin. says barb newell to me as advice in the past. Mike

11-21-2005, 02:38 AM
I do us e quick cure and I dechlorinate all my tanks before and during water changes.No other tank was effected. I tried quick cure first then clout, then antibiotic. He died during the antibiotic treatment. He has had this problem for almost 2 and 1/2 weeks .What did I do wrong for him to die?? If anything could have been done differently. I would hate to make the same mistake again. These are 5" + fish that are dying. He had fertilized and raised babies up to about 3 weeks old and they started dying, then he died.

11-21-2005, 03:03 AM
The formalin (quick cure) will likely have destroyed your biological bacteria in your filter...which in turn may have caused your ammonia levels to shoot way up. This happened to me with quick cure just last week. Sorry for your loss.
Thats all i can think of. Hope it helps.

11-21-2005, 09:38 AM
I do us e quick cure and I dechlorinate all my tanks before and during water changes.No other tank was effected. I tried quick cure first then clout, then antibiotic. He died during the antibiotic treatment. He has had this problem for almost 2 and 1/2 weeks .What did I do wrong for him to die?? If anything could have been done differently. I would hate to make the same mistake again. These are 5" + fish that are dying. He had fertilized and raised babies up to about 3 weeks old and they started dying, then he died.

I think you might've over medicated. Did you do a complete water change before using another medication? Combining medication can be toxic.

Barb Newell
11-21-2005, 12:48 PM
Hi Debbie, sorry you lost him and I'm sorry I missed this thread. Not sure how I missed it, but I did. There seems to be a lot going on here on Simply lately.

In future, to all... if we don't reply and the thread accidentally gets lost, please Private Message one of us.

How are your other fish?


11-21-2005, 05:13 PM
Hi Barb, All other fish are fine.His mate even found another mate and laid eggs the night he died. She mated with the male mate to the female that died the same night. Kind of odd but at least they moved on ,so I thought that made it a little easier on me .If they are happy. I just do not want to lose anymore of my babies.

I thought he started out with flukes but am not so sure as I have never had this much trouble trying to cure a fish before.
Thank you

Barb Newell
11-22-2005, 02:05 AM
Hi Debbie, well they don't grieve too long, do they? We do, they don't.

I have never found that flukes bother adults, fry yes.. adults don't seem to be bothered by them.
