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11-20-2005, 10:17 PM
I have nothing in a hidden agenda, because I have no discus. I have never bought discus. I have altums.
but I do like to learn. so that is why I want to hear what AB has, without the constant fruit fly buzz of these one timers who don't have what it takes to come back with solid argument.
the last one of these, the little calculator boy, is so wrong. Cliff did tell exactly what he thinks . right away. so calculator boy is just one of the fruit flies.

11-20-2005, 10:18 PM
raglanroad the only thing you can safely accuse me of is hiding my id. thats a tough thing to criticise me for now isnt it??? you cant even make fun of my spelling. ab was a onetime poster about a month or two ago but you didnt care. he said what you wanted to believe so you forgave him the fact that you had no idea who he was or if what he was saying was legit. so treat me the same way. accept that what i say is legit. thats how it works or you'll be the hyprocrite you claim others to be. now we can all be whatever we say we are and no one can ever ask questions. you dont need to no who i am any more then you care to no who ab is. btw elcid i didnt say he only exports to asia. ab said he mainly does. and i didnt say he only has discus ab did. and his hachery is bare because for some reason a north american breeder finds that its seasonal to breed discus in cali. that makes no sense. who would leave there tanks empty for the winter??? you act like his answer to jeff has to be the truth. his answer to jeff was a reason why jeff cant come to his place and verify that it exists. he turned down other u.s breeders and importers early this year that asked to come by. he had different reasons for telling them no. he's got lots of reasons why no one but him has ever seen his so called place.

11-20-2005, 10:33 PM
I don't criticize anyone for spelling, it is the people who are constantly on that trip who make their own mistakes that are boring. but you might check your spelling : ) since you mention it.

You, on the other hand, are not new. you are a fraud. because you decieve by pretending to be another member , while you hold an ID here.
and a liar, because you say you care not, it will come out in the wash. so what you sweatin there, calculator boy?
BTW, I don't buy into anything. If you goons did not do this, and if AB is lying, he would be caught a lot earlier without the fruit flies annoying people.
come up with something ,notjust your calculator business which, as El pointed out, shows your weak reasoning.

11-20-2005, 11:05 PM
Hi all
I would just like to see this forum get back to what it used to be. You all have a vast amount of knowledge when it comes to Discus. The thing that made this forum so great was the willingness of all of you to share and help out the likes of a newbie like myself. Now the only thing I know that I have in common with all of you was the first day I put a discus in my tank. After that you all have me beat hands down. I think the discus is the greatest fish anyone can have and I want to be successful at raising and maybe getting them to spawn. But I will and do need help. Try to remember what it was like when you were in my shoes. It was all new, you had so many questions, and not a clue how to deal with certain situations. One member posted that her fish was sick, six days later posted that the fish died, no one responded in-between. You have the experience and some of us really need your help. Lets please bring this board back to what it used to be.
Thanks you for taking the time to read this.
With all due respect

11-20-2005, 11:26 PM
Hi Earl:

It's hard to compete with Barb or Carol when it comes to treating fish. I do have a couple of suggestions:

1) Always fill out this questionaire on your first post:


2) Search the forums for your symptoms before you post. Most symptoms are extensively discussed.

3) Clean you tank, clean you filters, change ur water 50% twice a day before you start any meds!


Hi all
I would just like to see this forum get back to what it used to be. You all have a vast amount of knowledge when it comes to Discus. The thing that made this forum so great was the willingness of all of you to share and help out the likes of a newbie like myself. Now the only thing I know that I have in common with all of you was the first day I put a discus in my tank. After that you all have me beat hands down. I think the discus is the greatest fish anyone can have and I want to be successful at raising and maybe getting them to spawn. But I will and do need help. Try to remember what it was like when you were in my shoes. It was all new, you had so many questions, and not a clue how to deal with certain situations. One member posted that her fish was sick, six days later posted that the fish died, no one responded in-between. You have the experience and some of us really need your help. Lets please bring this board back to what it used to be.
Thanks you for taking the time to read this.
With all due respect

11-20-2005, 11:51 PM
raglanroad your jumping to conclusions for which you have no proofs. i havent posted here before nor did i say that i had. i have no other id here. i said that many of us dont post here but that doesnt mean we dont agree with whats being said. you thought that meant something other then what it means. many people are longtime readers but never post. we just read and often laugh and mesg each other our jokes about whats being posted. i felt compelled to post on this thead because i think its important that you people no the truth. i also new you wouldnt believe it because i cant prove what i say. but the hypcorisy of that was to delicious to pass up. you wont believe me because i cant prove what i say but you will defend ab's inability to support his own statements. couldnt pass that up and new you woudnt figure it out on your own. now lets get back to the ab lesson.

11-21-2005, 12:04 AM
raglanroad your jumping to conclusions for which you have no proofs. i havent posted here before nor did i say that i had. i have no other id here. i said that many of us dont post here but that doesnt mean we dont agree with whats being said. you thought that meant something other then what it means. many people are longtime readers but never post. we just read and often laugh and mesg each other our jokes about whats being posted. i felt compelled to post on this thead because i think its important that you people no the truth. i also new you wouldnt believe it because i cant prove what i say. 2 things you're wrong about: I never once said I believe anything AB wrote. I see some stuff which I know to be true, some stuff I disagree with, which you would know if you had really read. And I am not the one calling for proofs. You would also know that if you read properly, which you claim. But now you think I wouldn't believe you? Sure I will, just post something that does not contain these contradictions of our own statements such as you don't care, then you go on again. but the hypcorisy of that was to delicious to pass up. you wont believe me because i cant prove what i say but you will defend ab's inability to support his own statements. nope, I don't defend inability to support statements. If the person does not care to divulge his business, then he should give logic to back his statements. Yours is not proven, OK. But your logic is based on "if". And on false insinuations such as Cliff not supporting AB. Where he buys is not compelling, I have bought from sources that I still recommend, but for various reasons such as wanting different stock, go elsewhere. So yours is not a solid argument. couldnt pass that upYou should have, because more and more your statements show untruth. and new you woudnt figure it out on your own. now lets get back to the ab lesson.
and I will figure out which member uses "new" instead of "knew" ;) Still can't figure out why you were proud of your spelling.

11-21-2005, 12:51 AM
I've seen enough. Locked. Absolutely nothing left to do with the original intent of the thread.

When it gets to people pointing out others spelling mistakes enough is enough.

Wish I'd seen this one about 5 Pages ago.

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