View Full Version : Can I pull this off?

11-18-2005, 12:48 PM
Quick question. Long story short, is that I need to house 4 adult (6 inch)discus outside of my main tank for a 24 hour period. The problem is that I only have a 10 gallon tank to put them in. Can I get away with this for one short day? Or am I going to need to find a bigger container to store them in.

I figure that when fish are shipped, they have to deal with fairly cramped quarters for similar amounts of time, so I'm thinking that it won't be a problem, but I want to be sure.

Please let me know your thoughts. I need to start planning for this right away. Thank you!

11-18-2005, 01:12 PM
Why don't you get a plastic bucket or barrel, that woudl cost you nothing and then you would be running no risks. personally, I wouldnt do it. Too cramped and if you really were then starve the fish 24 hours prior to doing so , to keep pollution and ammonia levels as low as possible. Not recommended though.
get a bucket, I stuck my fish in buckets with a heater and airstone, worked fine for me.


11-18-2005, 01:53 PM
4 discus in a 10 gallon for a day? Make sure you use a cycled sponge filter. It can be done but is not ideal.


11-18-2005, 02:29 PM
Sheesh! You can buy 40G rubbermaid containers at Walmart for cheap. That be my recommendation. Of course you would need to have a filter/heater as well.