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11-27-2005, 02:00 PM
I got a 68 gallon planted tank with one koi angel and 3 adult size discus and 4 small ones-around 2inches each,out of which 2 i brought 3 days back-they were looking healthy and i let thm into the tank things were ok till i saw a dead cory-think it died coz it got stuffed into a small hole in a driftwood when trying to feed 2 days back
Presently what has happened is 2 of my discus have becme sick
Their symptoms
1.Darkening color
2.Not feeding properly
3.Getting on in a corner of the tank
I dnt find any visible marks,ulcers,loss of skin,growth,parasties,worms whatsoever
No gasping,no holes or holes with white spots
I checked the Nitrate-10 ppm it is maintained
Phosphate 1ppm didnt check for ammonia-fact is i dont have the kit,but lgically i think its nt raised coz its nitrate which is converted to ammonia and its in the normal range and abt pH and kH gH i think its the same water i use all the time
I had 2 diagnoses in my mind 1.hole in the head and 2.Discus plague
tho these two diseases have overlapping symptoms=darkening of skin,stayin in one corner,suuden appearence of the symptoms,lethargy,appetite decrease
one point against hle in the head is loos of visible white spots and white pook and slime on the body,so my diagnosis is more in favour of Discus plague coz the introduction f 2 new discus into the tank recently
I added around 800mg of Metronidazle and some table salt
So guys please please please help me iam so damn depressed seeing these guys of mine suffer.

11-27-2005, 02:57 PM
Do you have a QT tank that you can put the sick fish in?
Have you seen any white poo?

It's to late now, but that is why everyone stresses QT'ing any new fish, they may look healthy but may in fact be carrying something.

Until someone can help you out more, keep up with water changes and salt.
Have you cleaned your filter recently? I would check inside of that and check for any foul smells.

Good luck!


11-27-2005, 03:14 PM
No white poo
yep i learnt my lesson abt QT in a harder way tho,wish nthing happens to my guys
Am not sure if this will be significant 3 days before the appearence of these symptoms i changed my Charcoal in the canister to new sponge and bio balls anything wrong with that?

11-27-2005, 03:17 PM
Did you leave any of the cycled material in the canister? If not be sure to keep up on water changes as you may have a spike in ammonia etc. If you left some stuff in that was cycled, you should be fine.

11-27-2005, 06:32 PM
Test ammonia and nitrite.


11-27-2005, 09:26 PM
These new fish? Where did you get them? Are they recently imported? Did the seller advise you of the water parameters in which they were raised?

11-28-2005, 02:02 AM
Nuthing did the guys tell me abt the new fishes,and i checked my nitrate which was around 10ppm in the normal range isnt it?
The fishes seem to be the same -fins clamped,darkened body and at times swimming around.
They arent breathing heavily and the gills are not closed hut,no obvious lesions on the body,no slimy thing on the body.Please help me.

11-28-2005, 02:07 AM
You need to check the ammonia. If the filter is dead it will NOT convert ammonia to nitrAte. Nitrate will stay low while the fish die from ammonia poisoning.

11-28-2005, 08:20 AM
If ammonia is the problem it must affect all the inhabitants of teh tank isnt it?
I find only 2 of my discus exhibiting the symptom and now i see one of them shaking its body vigorously and moving about all other fishes in the tank seem to be normal.

11-28-2005, 10:59 AM
Some of your fish may be effected by high ammo sooner, while the rest will handle it better. Especialy new arrivals that are stressed will suffer first. It's a process of elimination. You need to check the ammonia so you can either fix it if it's high or move on if it's not. Your rescent changes to your filter make it a first choice for possible problems.


11-28-2005, 01:46 PM
Keep changing 1/2 the water morning and night, maintain salt, temp @ 86 F....

11-28-2005, 02:48 PM
Sure will do as u guys say,but i strongly suspect my fishes to be suffering from Discus plague what do yu think?

11-28-2005, 02:54 PM
And one point which i wuld like to add is,i didnt change the whole of the filter medium,i just changed the charcoal in one chamber and the other chamber had a sponge filter which was not changed

11-28-2005, 04:03 PM
There is no reason to think plague rather than any one of the many other illnesses that start the same way. Are you still dosing with metro?


Bainbridge Mike
11-28-2005, 05:34 PM
[QUOTE=satty]I added around 800mg of Metronidazle and some table salt

Be careful about adding plain old table salt--it may have iodine in it, which can be a problem. I have used aquarium salt and pickling salt (which is not iodized). Salt and large daily water changes are almost always a good way to start treat sick fish--unless or until other symptoms appear that suggest another treatment.

Good luck,


11-29-2005, 01:11 AM
Thank you so much guys for helping me out,the blue diamond has regained some of its colour and the green turq is the same- black and on its body am able to see some kindoff lace works but other wise i dont find any abnormal stuff on their body gills fins or any place and they do come and feed at times,i think metro is alternate day dosing isnt it?
Iam really anxious abt the Diagnosis,coz i wanna know what where and why things went wrong and if iam able to identify it i can prevent it in the near future and maybe help others.

11-29-2005, 01:39 AM
Metro is an everyday treatment, it breaks down in the water in 8 hours and works best at higher temps... 90-92
Good to hear your BD is looking better. Keep us updated.

:) Candy

11-29-2005, 04:49 AM
Hi guys,
I checked with my Ammonia today its perfect-0ppm,i brought some stress releiver salt which i will use instead of the table sall and some Ph stabiliser,man iam goin bonkers with this treatment of my discus and all these 3 days iam sitting in front of the sys and goin around places to know more about the symptoms signs and treatment part.Its a ambivalent feeling i have now,but at the end how good it would be if my guys become alright and move around in their tank as before,hope that happens.Thank you people so much for helping me and giving me ur advices,Love you all

11-29-2005, 07:50 AM
What are you feeding them? Don't be tempted to try live food! Doesn't matter what ur ammonia or nitrite, nitrate is, keep changing the water and don't increase the temp to 92!

12-02-2005, 01:31 AM
Sorry guys for not posting here for a few days about my Development,the discus seems to be doing ok now,got back their colour and their clamped fins are open now,the respiratory rate have come down to normal and they seem to be moving around the tank,and looking out for food,hope they come out well sometimes they put on a dececptive appearence of becoming ok and anything can happen so iam waiting for the good only to happen,thank you all