View Full Version : Something wrong with EYE Pls Help

11-28-2005, 05:10 AM
I got 3 adults Red Melon in 2x18x18 I have been trying to get them pair up for 6 months and every thing is perfect except the female is so aggressive she always chases the other two.
And today she is laying eggs by herself and also I noticed that one of the other two has one eye that looks cloudy and some thing white (milky) sticking out from his eye.
I think he has been attacked. what should I do? Salt will clear out?
Any help would be much appreciated.

Ph = 6.8
Ammo = 0.0
Nitrite = 0.0

WC every second day

11-28-2005, 06:17 AM
How many gallons is that tank?? 2.80 ??? If that is right, your tank is waaay to small for any size discus.

More water changes and salt should help clear the eye up. Your female is probably agressive because there is another fish in the tank while she is trying to spawn. And because they are too crowded. They should be in at least a 30 gal. for 3 large fish... bigger is better. Can you move them to a larger tank?

Good luck!!


11-28-2005, 07:46 AM
Hi Candy

Thanks for your reply. That size of the tank is usually for breeding tank and it should be 32 g.
I should say that the milky thing looks like its swollen.

Other than salt, what else should I get in hand in case of getting worse?
Once again thank you so much

Temp = 84

11-28-2005, 03:05 PM
Melafix is good for cloudy eyes, i believe that Furan-2 is also good for cloudy eyes, though it might affect your filter. Cloudy eyes are also common in bad water conditions, although it sounds like yours did get in a fight.

If you look at the top of the diseases forum, you will see the diseases index, and can look up different treatments there too. Good luck Cal and keep us updated on his progress!


11-28-2005, 06:02 PM
I'd go with large daily water changes and salt for cloudy eyes. May be time to pull the cloudy eye discus and let the other two try to breed.

11-29-2005, 02:05 AM
Hi Carol

That is exactly I am thinking but the interesting is that I don't know which is the one pairing up with that female, she just goes by herself :) I saw she was laying egg and she ate them all later :(.
Anyway thanks for your advice (I was waiting for that :) )


12-09-2005, 01:59 AM
Hi Carol and all

Thought I'd want to update that his eye now becomes normal so salt and big w/c would do the trick. Thanks a lot for your big help as usual


12-09-2005, 04:04 AM
Glad to hear your fish is better Cal!
Way to go!!
