View Full Version : New here and wanted to say hello

12-02-2005, 11:55 AM
Hi everyone...I'm new here and wanted to say hi to everyone ...I just found and joined the site. I'm not new to aquariums but am to discus. I at one time when I was waaaaaay younger had about 17 tanks up and running at one time. Now I'm down to just 1 15 gal hi tank and am wanting to set up a 55 for discus...have loved discus since forever yet never had any. I think this site is AWESOME!!!! soo much info and help available here! TY to the site owners and moderators for all the work you've put in here. This is my first post here and I'm sure it won't be the last either. My tanks way back when were all metal frame tanks. I've had 55's before with africans and sa cichlids in them. I'd love to breed discus and want to learn as much as I can about them. I think this site is going to be just the ticket for this for me..Carol apparently lives just up the road from me here in Oregon and she's a wonderful souce of information on this wonderful species of fish.. I've been going thru and readin all the posts and threads I can so far and am amazed at the amount of knowledge out there...thank you all for letting me say hello and hope I don't ask tooo many dumb questions in my quest for knowledge here.


12-02-2005, 11:58 AM
Hi Jarrod,

Welcome aboard! The best way to learn is to read and ask questions about anything you're unsure of. That's how all of us learned I would imagine. I know I did. I still learn everyday from reading posts here. Discus aren't difficult, they're just different. The care is a little more specialized compared to other types of cichlids (or freshwater fish in general).

Good, clean water, a variety of foods, and starting with healthy stock are really the keys to successful discus keeping. Obviously that's a very broad and general overview, but focus on those basics and you will have a headstart in the discus hobby.

Feel free to jump into discussion with any questions or comments you have. That's why this is a discussion forum, after all. :) Enjoy your stay!


12-02-2005, 11:59 AM
Hi Jarrod... welcome!

Just remember... the only dumb question is the one that isn't asked!! ;)


12-02-2005, 12:29 PM
hope I don't ask tooo many dumb questions in my quest for knowledge here.

Hey Jarrod~

I am the Queen Of Dumb Questions, http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/23/im/ibk.gif (idiot behind keyboard, lol) trust me! You appear not to be lacking much, babe....I am sure we can learn from you as well~

Just wanted to say welcome!


White Worm
12-02-2005, 03:05 PM
Welcome and dont worry, you will be your own expert in no time with the help from some of the wise and experienced people here. Combined, I think the experts here have about a million years of experience and if has happened to a discus, they know about it and how to cure it!!. Always remember to have fun, be patient and oh WC<WC<WC<WC<WC. :D WC= Water Change. Mike

12-02-2005, 04:38 PM

Welcome !!!


12-02-2005, 05:24 PM
Welcome to Simply Jarrod!!

You are lucky to be next to Carol, she can give you lots of great advice, and probably even tell you where to get some great discus.

We all ask what we think are "silly" questions, but i learn the most from those. They are probably the same questions that alot of others have. And its a great learning tool for others who are just starting out like you!

Hope you have as much fun here as I do. You'll meet some really great people along the way, i know i did!!


12-02-2005, 06:36 PM
Hi Jarrod :wave:
Welcome to Simply

12-02-2005, 07:29 PM
Hi Jarrod,
Welcome to Simply Discus...where normal people are rumored to exist, but none can be found...
I think Captain Picard said it best when he was assimilated into the Borg Collective:

"You life as it has been is now over"

12-02-2005, 07:50 PM
Welcome to Simply Jarrod :wave:

I had a couple of those tanks with the metal frames :) Are you an old guy too ? LOL

A lot of good people here, with a lot of knowledge and experience... don't you wish there was a resource like this those many years ago? :)

Welcome to the addiction :D


12-02-2005, 08:44 PM
Welcome to Simply Jarrod :wave:

I had a couple of those tanks with the metal frames :) Are you an old guy too ? LOL

A lot of good people here, with a lot of knowledge and experience... don't you wish there was a resource like this those many years ago? :)

Welcome to the addiction :D

LMAO Jim!!!! and yeppers I am an old guy too...lol...I've earned every one of the grey hairs that are making their insidious way thru my hair....lol..I'm seeing what you say about the folks here they have all been great to me so far... and yesssss I wish we'd have had resouces like this .:computer back when I first got into the hobby. It's not so much and addiction as a way of life lol...at least thats what I keep telling myself and maybe just maybe someday I may even be able to convince myself of the fact. And ty for the welcome too.

12-02-2005, 11:02 PM
Hi Jarrod! Welcome! :wave:

12-03-2005, 12:09 AM
Welcome to Simply Jarrod and welcome to the addictive world of discus. Lots of info here on the site for you to read that is for sure. Ive been here only about 6 months, and ive still got so much to learn. Enjoy.

12-03-2005, 11:20 AM
Welcome aboard Jarrod!

I still have an old 20 gallon tank with the chrome trim ..... lol.

Its soon to be my QT tank as im just now getting into to discus myself.

12-04-2005, 08:20 AM
Welcome Jarrod!

Ask away, always someone who has an answer, sometimes you get more than one answer, both may work, you get to chose what to do:D
Glad to have you here.:)