View Full Version : Looking Back

12-03-2005, 10:07 PM
I was working on the annual letter we write to our family and friends for the holidays. We always print pictures on the back side of the letter of events in our lives of the past year.
One picture I couldn't add was just before we had to put our dog of 15 years to sleep.
She was going blind, deaf, hard walking any distances....
Anyway it was harder to do than I expected.
this is a poor pic, but a memory.
Funny how we get attached to pets.:)

12-03-2005, 10:20 PM

Just cherish the memories !!!! They last a lifetime !!


Bainbridge Mike
12-03-2005, 10:48 PM
The best way to get over the loss of a good dog is . . . to get a puppy! We lost our old girl Sherpa-- a really sweet golden retriever. After waiting a respectful 3 months, We got a chocolate lab (Rocky Road) and a puppy from the pound (Lucy) and everyone is happy again.


12-03-2005, 11:01 PM
Ardan, I share your Grief... We have bred springer spaniels for over 25 years and had to do the same more than once..it has always been devastating , but it has always been the right thing to do for the animal.
Like Jack says ..the the memories will never go away..


12-04-2005, 12:40 AM
It is one of the hardest things we do as animal lovers. They are only for a short time but in that time, they sure can pack in the love. I know the feeling.

12-04-2005, 02:53 AM
Hi Ardan,
Ya, i know what you mean i just lost my 13 year old spaniel buddy a few months ago. It's hard because they become part of the family. Just remember the good times.

12-04-2005, 08:09 AM
Thanks everyone.:) :)

12-05-2005, 10:06 PM
Thats a hard thing to do , and only fellow petlovers can really understand how a Pet can be Family! I hope the memories last you a lifetime.:)

I had to put my cat Tom of 20 yrs to sleep on dec 2, 1992... I carved the head stone ,and will never forget that cat...Its funny... a few years latter..I got another kitten ...Darwin ( an unexpected houseguest), and I swear I see Tom in that cat everyday:)


12-06-2005, 07:02 AM
and I swear I see Tom in that cat everyday

:) cool!


12-07-2005, 10:58 AM
I know what it's like to lose a beloved pet.
It can be the hardest thing in the world, some times more so then a family member or close friend.
As long as you remember them, they will always be with you.
Not a day goes by that I don't think of my dogs that I have had in the past.
Coffee, my German Shepherd was with me for 14 yrs, I had him since 7 weeks old. He was a good dog, I had a great time with him, he went every where with me.
After he pasted, a year later, my Mom and sister gave me a 7 week old Golden Retriever puppy for Christmas.
Monty was a hand full and had a larger the life personality. He turned into what they call the baer type of golden, big barrel chest, big blocky head, he was cleary 2 inches taller then his father. But always a big puppy at heart.
Unlike Coffee, Monty got into every thing as a puppy...even as an adult.
I didn't have him long however, at the age of 6, he had a rare form of internal cancer. Even thou 65% of golden's get some form of cancer, he had a rare form even for a golden.
4 weeks after finding out, we had no choice but to put him down.
I think I cried more for him because he was so young then any dog my family has ever had.
Monty was lucky enough to spend week ends with me on Fire Island every summer. He was the toast of the town when he was there.
We also had adopted an older Boxer, named Max, that past away suddenly at the ripe old age of 11 (old for a Boxer) just two months before we discovered Monty had cancer.
It's been almost two years now, we stil have not gotten another dog.
Actually, it's only been recently that I am even considering getting another one.
My problem is I get so darn attached to them.
What happened to Monty has affected me greatly...I still think of him, I still see him, Coffee and sometimes Max out of the corner of my eye.
When your ready, get another dog.
Not meaning to highjack your post, here's a picture of my Beloved Monty:

12-07-2005, 07:46 PM
Looks like a great dog!:)
You didn't hijack my post, actually it really adds to it, for me anyway.
Thanks.:) Thanks for sharing.

Certainly anyone can share their memories if they wish.


12-07-2005, 11:18 PM
Hey Ardan... really sorry to hear about your dog :cry: Last year when we were cleaning the garage I opened a box full of Cosmo's old toys and stuffed animals.... started to :cry: He died about 5 years ago just shy of his 11th birthday :( I have his ashes and some pics in a little "shrine" in the display case in our "library"... don't think the pain ever completely goes away, but the memories are priceless and help us define who we are..


12-08-2005, 06:47 AM
Thanks Jim :)

12-08-2005, 09:15 AM
The best way to get over the loss of a good dog is . . . to get a puppy! We lost our old girl Sherpa-- a really sweet golden retriever. After waiting a respectful 3 months, We got a chocolate lab (Rocky Road) and a puppy from the pound (Lucy) and everyone is happy again.


Mike I so agree! I actually just told a friend that last night...Get a puppy right away.....Puppies cure anything instantly.. IMO...I love puppy breath! Ardan, did ya get a puppy? I am sorry for your loss, I so can not imagine...we have four huge dogs! 2 Newfs, 1 Great Dane and a Siberian Huskey.....I couldnt imagine a day without any of them in my life....April is going to groom the Newfoundlands for me!

I want a puppy for Christmas!http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_23_11.gif

12-08-2005, 07:41 PM
Hi Marie,
No puppy, not for a while.

Hey I have 3 kids, 2 of them are in college, that keeps my nose to the grindstone at work to pay for it:D
No time right now either, lots of work. But that's good, its bad when there is no work:D ;)
Thank you.
4 dogs? Wow!


12-08-2005, 09:15 PM
Ardan..............thats a tough one........she obviously had a wonderful wit a wonderful family.
Oh Oh...........I hear puppy paws:)


12-09-2005, 12:21 AM
Hey Ardan,

About 4 months after Cosmo died my wife suggested we get a puppy... didn't really think it was a good idea, but, she said she really wanted one cause she never had one.. a Great Dane was too big for the condo she thought, so we got a male Doberman... felt really guilty for awhile giving poor Jake attention cause it was kind of like being unfaithful to Cosmo's memory... :( but to be honest, it was really great having a dog around the house again :) Two years later we got a female Doberman so Jake would have someone (other than us :p ) to play with. Now, can't imagine not having either one of them :)

But give it time and jump when you're ready.. springtime's a good time to get a puppy cause it's warmer out when you gotta run outside at all hours with them :D

I got two in college too ... feel for ya buddy


12-10-2005, 12:21 PM
See? Puppies are the answer, I'm tellin ya~

Titan, our Great Dane, actually sits on the couch like a person does. It is quite a trip!


12-11-2005, 01:22 AM
I just lost my wonderful Colton on Dec. 1. I can't even write those words without crying. Here is one of the last pictures I took of him, while he was home from the vet hospital for a few days. He was 14 1/2 years old.


12-11-2005, 08:03 AM
I'm sorry to hear about Colton, Terry.


Oh Oh...........I hear puppy paws:D

Jim (Cosmo)
I got two in college too ... feel for ya buddy
:D Thanks
