View Full Version : Hes a pimp!

12-04-2005, 11:26 AM
My alpha blue diamond is the man! I have figured out that my two blue diamonds are males and my two blue PB's are females. My alpha BD has now spawned with both PB's! Yesterday he spawned with one, and then went over to get ready to spawn with the other! I think this is why hes been keeping my other BD holed up, because he wants both chicas for himself. I'm not prepared for breeding at the moment, maybe sometime in the close future I'll be able to get a 55 or 75.. we will see. They haven't gotten it right yet so its ok with me.

It was interesting yesterday while the two were spawning.. they were eating the eggs as they were laying them. She'd lay a bunch, then he'd go over them to fert. and then they'd eat them.. and so on. He didn't do that with the other female though, they kept the eggs until they turned white, then they ate them. I'm thinking he favors the one female over the other, but took the opportunity for a spawning lol.

12-04-2005, 12:43 PM
You might have a male or you might have a female. Sometimes two females can spawn but they will never be able to fertalize the eggs


12-04-2005, 12:58 PM
Yes I know this. I watched them closely during spawning. Hes definitely a male.