View Full Version : Question about importing certificate?

12-07-2005, 01:51 AM
Hi all, I'm right now in 1 month count down before I leave canada, my old grand pa past away a while ago , I have to check out how my grand ma and see how she does must be sad for her to loss my grand pa. A side from visiting my grands from hong kong I also have a trip to make back to china to meet some of my old school friend which now live very close to a huge chinese fish market in groung dong. Man he told me that it took him days to checking out the entire market and things there r soo god damn cheap bunch and bag of plants for like 5 dollars chinese money and thats like 80 cents in canadian. And some cool looking fish for very low prize looking for some rare pleco on this trip mainly and see how the heck can a koi cause 150000 chinese money and some good looking discus ofcourse :angel: . I'm so excited to go and see those stuff even tho I cant buy too much to bring back. I probably will ask them about the the light balt they use to make and export to canada hehe like metal highlide since mostly I found these kind of light balt is made in china going to see if I could grap a few of those 110-120volt one for a more better planting tank also be nice to get some nice looking plants and fish home. Now I got some question about importing good from out side canada where do I get an importing certificate or where to contact for imformation? (Any local discus importer have experiance about this? I'm not going to bring lots home maybe just some in my back do I still need to get this certificate as this is mainly for home aquarium use) I will get my new digital camera from hong kong as I get back there. So hopefully I will host some picture I take during this fishy trip for u fish nutz even if I cant bring anything back here.

Thx for looking

12-07-2005, 05:44 PM
I don't know, but I think you can bring back a box of fish for personal use.

12-07-2005, 06:28 PM
In general, importations of ornamental aquatic organisms, especially tropical species held in hobby aquaria, are considered to pose a negligible risk of spreading disease(s) to local species. Thus, Canada, like many other countries, does not require special permits for the importation of aquatic organisms for the aquarium hobbyist.

(saltwater organisms are different. if the species is covered under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) you'll need perms from the gov't.)

hope that helps!

btw: here's the best site that covers that- http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/science/aquaculture/ornamental_e.htm

12-07-2005, 06:45 PM
Thx Tim and Carol. I just check them out nice website I also been in contact with the canadian goverment and I was mad :(. I just paste this from other forum I posted earlier.

Ok this get me very mad. I just want to let u guys know what is the rules in canada if any one want to bring some live tropical fish/plants home also save u ur time.

Here is what make me mad as hell:

I started the phone call today at 2pm to ensure all this goverment employee is in their office. First I contact the arg office like Martin told me to. And they kick me out to fishery department and then as expect kicking out again to wild life canada office(due to the fish I plan to buy isn't going to be endanger so I'm getting kicks again) and again kick back to canada custom office(boarder they said they only follow the rules of fisherie department) and ofcourse send back again to food inspection agency again back to fishery and you know what they tell me lol. She told that they only take case of fish that is for human consumption. And ofcourse then I was transfer again to the main canada importation centre and what happen is they dont know anything about importing tropical fish lol and as screw up as always I finally back to fishery agency that the lady on the phone recorgnize my voice(you can immagine how agry I was at that time lol I guessing my hair stand up during this transfering call)and ofcourse after close to 1 hour and 20 minutes of time I finally get in touch with some who can give me answer to my question and her name is nancy phone is 613-990-7033 ottawa if any one who live in canada and a fish nutz like me planning to get fish from a trip you should call her for info very nice lady. I was like a soccer ball today getting kick from department to department -_-.


Greg Richardson
12-07-2005, 07:55 PM
Jack. I see in Canada they have learned very well from the states on how to do the taxpayer just wants some basic info shuffle!

Amazing we pay these clowns their wages yet 90% of them couldn't make it in the real world.

12-07-2005, 08:10 PM
Jack. I see in Canada they have learned very well from the states on how to do the taxpayer just wants some basic info shuffle!

Amazing we pay these clowns their wages yet 90% of them couldn't make it in the real world.

Yup those people r just keep pushing their employer arround. I wish there is place where I could make complain in canada.

12-07-2005, 08:27 PM
CITES permits are fun too

thanks for the contact