View Full Version : My fry are dying at 2-3 months.

12-12-2005, 02:38 PM
Hello all, I need some help. I had about 250 turk fry that are 2-3 months old. As of today, I have lost at least 60% of them over the last 3 weeks. They turn dark, breath heavy and have white stringy poo. I have treated with PraziPro, metro, 37% hyde and high heat (at different times). They will look good one day and the next they will have the syptoms again. They are in a 125 BB with 5 hydro 5's and get at least a 1/2 water change per day. I usually wipe the entire tank at least twice per week. They are in aged tap water with 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, and 0 nitrate. My water is moderatly hard with a PH of 7.6 - 8.0. If anyone has any suggestions I would greatly appreciate it. I am at the point that I am considering culling the entire batch and trying again. Thanks for any help.

12-12-2005, 02:59 PM
It sounds like you have covered the basis. I had been doing the same. My tanks were spotless. I was still loosing fry at a similar age. I was advised to treat them for flukes. I was insulted (well not really) because I had such clean tanks and yet those little varmints still got in. I would bet on flukes. Barb Newell has a great system for flukes and fry. I will try to find it and post it for you.


12-13-2005, 02:44 AM
Please try Enrofloxocin at the rate of 5mg per Liter of water dose it thrice a day that is 8 hours apart and do water changes at least twice a day and remember to use stored water and not water from the tap what ever treatment you give ultimately its the water which is goin to matter and if the waters bad thats goin to add on to the stress and increase the level of Corticosteroids in the fish and this will suppress the immune system and thats goin to make the infection worse and dont raise the temp above 30 degree celcius.

Kenny's Discus
12-13-2005, 03:21 AM
Hi Troy, Jim, Satty:

In addition to the excellent advice given from above, I would also like to add that when I start noticing flukes symptoms of my frys at that age, I would do a HUGE(80-90%) water change of same parameter and personally that seems to help more than any other medication I've used. (formalin, prazi, dylox, etc...) Of course you also need to wipe down all the interior glass & clean filter. When I do that I will often see great improvement in a couple days. And remember...HUGE WC.



12-15-2005, 05:36 PM
If I had a guess, I would suggest that you try an antibiotic .. The stringy white poo is the symptom that I am keying on here... if multiple young fry are exhibiting this at the same time...its often a sign of an internal bacterial infection... Do the bellies look slightly bloated?

Be sure to not over feed, and clean any of that white feces, left over food etc as much and as often as possible.

The med that I have used in the past to treat similar is kanamycin sulfate... its availible at jehmco.com. It should turn things around if this is atypical bacterial infection.

what are you feeding? I have seen this happen if a live Blackworm culture is fed that was starting to die off.


12-15-2005, 05:45 PM
It sounds like a bacterial infection to me too, white stringy is a clasic sign. Try the med Al advises above, I don't think we get that here in the UK, Acriflavine (I think thats how its spelt) is often used with fry of this age. If it is bacterial the temp will need to go up to 90-92f to help, but check with the meds you are using (most are aimed at mamals, i.e warm blooded so need a higher temp).