View Full Version : Question About breeding BN Pleco

12-13-2005, 04:10 PM
How do you know when BN plecos are ready to breed? Do they show any signs or just throw a male and female together and hope they do their thing?? I have 2 males and 1 female in the community tank all about a 1 1/2 old. What should I do??

12-13-2005, 05:50 PM
They should be mature enough to breed. I picked up two albino Ancistrous at an auction and put them in a community tank with some Corys and Apistos. Within two weeks there were fry in the tank. The fry kept on dieing. One day I noticed the Apistos attacking the catfish fry. So I took them out and now I have a bunch of fry growing out in the tank with the parents.
Provide a suitable tunnel for the male. This can be PVC tubing one end blocked or driftwood with holes. The male will entertain the female only for breeding. Then he will chase her away and take over the brood care.