View Full Version : two females

12-23-2005, 11:03 PM
i had a spawn 3 days ago and with my unproven PB pair. This was their second spawn that i know of. Both times eggs went white first day and were eaten that same evening. Now, only
3 days later, there is another cluster of eggs on the cone. Does this mean i have two females in the tank, or is it possible for one female to lay the eggs only 3 days apart?? Both sex organs look similar to me, but im a rookie and dont know the difference. Do you guys think i have two females? I will try and post a picture of the pair. thanks.

ps..i know these guys are both stunted and not pretty, but hey, they were my first discus.

12-24-2005, 02:49 AM

Kenny's Discus
12-24-2005, 03:07 AM
Chris - it's fairly difficult to tell their sex just by looking at your pic, eventhough they do look like 2 females. By observing who lays/fertilizes & their breeding tubes(short, pointy V.S. long, blunt) during spawning are always the most reliable way.

I did have pairs in the past that have laid eggs 4 days apart and they were very young pairs. Hope this helps.


12-24-2005, 03:13 AM
Thanks Kenny. They are very young pairs. Probably just over a year old. It looks to me like both have a short pointy thing. I will have to try and observe them better. Thanks.

12-24-2005, 10:28 AM
"it's fairly difficult to tell their sex just by looking at your pic, eventhough they do look like 2 females."

Just curious what you're basing your assumption on. What makes these two fish look like females in your opinion?

Kenny's Discus
12-24-2005, 12:22 PM
Hi flyfishfordiscus - as you've said it was just an ASSUMPTION. The overall look/shape/feel of the fishes looked like females to me. But again I could totally be wrong and best way to sex them are using the above mentioned method.

"I know these guys are both stunted and not pretty, but hey, they were my first discus."

BTW Chris a few yrs ago I crossed a Red Turqoise with PB(just like yours but of course it'll also depend on what genes they carry from their prior generation) and they threw some very beautiful straition Pigeons. Hope to give you an idea if (knock on wood) they do turn out to be 2 females....take a look.

Take care,

Kenny's Discus
12-24-2005, 12:23 PM
they were so fat like pigs...

12-24-2005, 05:16 PM
Laying eggs three days apart sounds like two females . . .

12-25-2005, 06:26 AM
Hi All

Laying eggs three days apart sounds like two females.....OR Very young Fish.


Laying eggs three days apart sounds like two females . . .