View Full Version : This behavior mean business?

12-24-2005, 10:50 AM
I am most curious as to the behavior that my Discus are displaying - Any thoughts on what I am watching?

I have 7 Discus that I had in a 77 gallon planted - I moved them about 2 weeks ago to a hospital tank to treat one for an internal Bacterial Infection and another for a little white spot (Not Ick). (the Hospital Tank is only a 33 gallon)

Anyway they all got along fine in the tank - here is a rundown on whats in there (yes I know they are overcrowded)

1 Blue Diamond abt 5" alpha dominant fish
1 Reflection "D" abt 4.25" Fairly aggressive probably #2 dominant
1 Reflection D abt 4.25" Fairly docile
2 Red Turks abt 4.5" Mostly docile
1 High Fin Blue Diamond abt 3.8" surprisingly a bit aggressive
1 Alenquer abt 4.1" Fairly Docile with aggressive tendenciesThe fish that had the internal infection and was not eating etc was the Alenquer. before the treatment it was looking fine but not aggressive at all, not feeding, white poop, stayed in one corner, etc... even before the end of the treatment everything returned to normal etc... OK - after the 5 day Maracyn II treatment and subsequent medication removal etc... they have been in this tank now for about 2 weeks.

Since then the big BD has established the pecking order fairly effectively and will chase any discus, especially aggressive during feeding time. the BD however does NOT chase the Alenquer, but rather hangs around it all the time, sort of doating over it so to speak. the BD keeps all the others herded to the other side of the tank and then shares this side quite peacefully with the Alenquer.

During feeding time they all come to the front and the top like savages... and eat the frozen bloodworms in the water when I put them in like sharks in a feeding frenzy... HOWEVER when the worms sink to the bottom - the BD keeps all the others away while it and the Alenquer casually graze the bottom finishing up the lefties... nobody gets lefties but those two.

Now I was planning to put the 7 back into the 77... but seeing this I am wondering if I should put the 5 in the 77 and leave the big BD and the Alenquer in the 33 to see what happens... I have NOT seen eggs - just this behavior... sometimes there is shaking and shimming displayed by the red turks.. and sometimes but the little red Alenquer - heck by any of them on occasion... and normal discus pecking order behaviors and I have read and understand them etc... but these 2 most definitely seem to favor one another... My luck they will be both the same sex!

I got to admit the little red Alenquer is not the fish I would have guess the BD would have chosen...

Any thoughts? (Other than the obvious overcrowded in the 33 thought LOL)

Greg Richardson
12-24-2005, 01:56 PM
I have done what you are thinking of doing before in two different instances just to mess with the pecking order.

It worked once and all fish were able to eat the whole meal.

As far as them being a pair I think why not do what you are doing.

Worse thing that can happen is two months later if no further pairing up activities takes place you can place them back in tank and by then hopefully whom ever is the new King can keep these two now in line when it's feed time.

If it comes to that putting them back I'd let the BD stay in tank a few days by it's self. Introduce last.

12-26-2005, 09:48 PM
Thanks ever so much Greg... I think that is exactly what I am going to do.