View Full Version : First time with eggs

12-27-2005, 06:45 PM
I've got a snakeskin and a blue diamond that have paired up and laid eggs on an hydrosponge tube ...I have been away for a couple of days and noticed them guarding the clutch...the eggs are a light beige color and none are fuzzy right now and I can see no white ones..both fish are taking turns fanning them. The ph in the tank is around 7.5....what does it sound like to you pros...are the eggs good...this is a first for me...Need help. Thanks.

White Worm
12-27-2005, 07:15 PM
Wow, sounds good, color sounds about right. 7.6 sounds kinda high but hey, if its workin, dont mess with it! White and Fuzzy, no good. I am no expert but if they are that color and they didnt get eaten, you are on the track to fry land. Be prepared though because they still could get eaten during wiggler stage or freeswimming stage so just be patient and let them do what they do naturally. Dont do any water changes right now and try not to disturb anything. Keep us informed. Mike

White Worm
12-27-2005, 07:18 PM
I've heard that the hatch rate is lower at higher ph levels and better at ph of 6.2-6.5. No worries though. Let them practice until they get it right. You might just get lucky on the first try. The color means that you probably do have a female and male and the male did fertilize. I'm sure some experts on breeding will chime in soon and give you a few more pointers. What else is in the tank with them?? Size tank?? MIke

12-27-2005, 08:55 PM
Awesome news!!! Do you have any pics of your pair and their eggs? How are they doing now? I want my fish to have babies!! But they are still babies themselves! lol... ok.... any how, good luck and let us know what happens!


Greg Richardson
12-27-2005, 10:41 PM
Derock. Congrats! You are on your way to an amazing journey.
If u don't have any white ones after 24 hours u doing good.
Even if u get some no biggie!
Start looking for color to go darker tomorrow.
After that look for wiggling on third day.
After that free swimming.
My PH is higher then yours. You'll be fine imo.

Enjoy the journey. Truly amazing to watch once they go free swimming.

12-28-2005, 05:02 AM
All good to go from what you've described, now the fun really starts. good luck.