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View Full Version : Discus and Angelfish

01-02-2006, 12:28 PM
I am setting up a new 100gal aquarium, heavily planted with flourite base. I would like to put wild angels and discus in it.
Can that be done? Don't they both require warm water and soft water?

Any input would be appreciated.


01-02-2006, 12:35 PM
I know we have gone over this subject many,many times before.
IMO Discus and Angels in the same tank are a huge no no....I have found from experence if ya mix the two soon or later all you will have is a tank ful of Angels,cuz the discus will have died.
Lots of different ideas about this,but that is my take


01-02-2006, 12:57 PM
ive kept discus with angels for many years without any probs.

01-02-2006, 01:02 PM
What are the parameters that both would share and be the most comfortable. I do not necessarily want to breed them, just enjoy the tank.


01-02-2006, 09:28 PM
i keep the angels in whatever conditions make the discus happy. so my tank is prolly 82-84 degress and 7.4 ph.

01-02-2006, 11:16 PM
I have kept angels with disuc for over a year in the same tank, moved them today because my redtail catfish started eatng the angels...yes he was in the same tank as well! Now the discus are in the tank with the redtail and the arowana.
By the way I just set a tank for the angels with fluorite as well, great stuff! I also set a Co2 generator by Red Sea, I'll post on how it works.


01-02-2006, 11:42 PM
I've bred angels and discus for 15 years ... I have experienced NO problems in general regarding compatability of angel and discus. I say "in general", because any SICK fish, regardless of species, can infect a healthy fish.

There are those who claim these two species are not compatable under any circumstance ... I've read post like Mench's which state discus will unequivocally break down if kept with angels. HOWEVER there is NO scientific evidence published which proves conclusively that HEALTHY angelfish carry any disease harmful to discus but not harmful to angelfish. Angelfish tend to be hardier than discus, and sick angels may mask symptoms so when they are kept with discus the discus MAY get sick. BUT, IMO, if you QT your angels and optain them from clean sources, they are no more risky to your discus than any new fish introduced to your discus, including other discus.

This is my biggest peeve in regards to discus myths ... and it is a myth.


01-02-2006, 11:43 PM
wow, red tail catfish and discus.:noway: :noway: I'm afraid the catfish will eventually eat the discus. My friend's redtail ate his 8-inch albino oscar.

01-02-2006, 11:47 PM
I've never really experienced health problems either after following proper quarantine procedures and prophylactic treatments. The only thing I've noticed is that some angels (particularly wilds) are more aggressive when feeding time comes around, and you have to make sure everyone gets their fair share.

I keep my angels in pH 7.4 - 7.8 and a temperature of 80 - 82F. Hardness (TDS) is around 200 - 250 ppm. The angels will tolerate higher temperatures and usually when I've mixed the two I leave everything the same as I posted above, with the exception of the temperature, which I keep at 84 - 86F.

Like I said, never had a disease problem with the discus and angels together, just sometimes a competition for food.


01-03-2006, 10:22 AM
I live just outside of Dallas so if ya'll ever want to come look at my tanks just let me know. I am a member of most of the local and state fish clubs so I know just about everyone. Welcome aboard.

Now on to your question.....I raise both discus and angels and at time have had them in the same tanks. I do this only when I am completely out ot tank space. In my case it has nothing to do with diseases. These are all fish that I have raised. It is because most ot the time the angels will be much more aggressive when it comes to feeding time. Unless you really overfeed the discus really do not get enough to grow like they should. Since you are wanting to try a planted tank overfeeding would be a deathwish. I would suggest 2 tanks. One planted with angels and maybe some apistos or other community fish and another tank to raise some nice discus in. When the discus are completely grown (about 18 months) then you can move them to the planted tank if you want. Their comsumption needs will be much lower then.


01-03-2006, 10:26 AM
because most ot the time the angels will be much more aggressive when it comes to feeding time. Unless you really overfeed the discus really do not get enough to grow like they should.... Thats been my experience as well.


01-03-2006, 10:43 AM
because most ot the time the angels will be much more aggressive when it comes to feeding time. Unless you really overfeed the discus really do not get enough to grow like they should.

... Thats been my experience as well.


and mine too!

01-03-2006, 12:51 PM
I know we have gone over this subject many,many times before.
IMO Discus and Angels in the same tank are a huge no no....I have found from experence if ya mix the two soon or later all you will have is a tank ful of Angels,cuz the discus will have died.
Lots of different ideas about this,but that is my take


I have heard this as well~ That Angels carry hidden disease and could affect your discus. I have one Angel , Ms. Splotches.... she is like a large pancake and i grew her from a dime size! I have put her in with the discus, then got paranoid cuz of what I have read...Then I put her back....took her out....I was trippin to say the least...
The last time I put her in , she was soooooo mean to my four favorite discus!! But when i first plopped her in , they all swam over to her really quick, like she was MOM or something! It was pretty cool and I thought this is good , this is good.... but... After a few days I couldnt take it so, again, I took her back out~ I worry about her, tho, cuz she is in a 10gal tank, with 2 Lemon Tetras and one Dojo eel~ She so needs more room~

and she loves our Great Dane, Titan...they kiss, when I forget to close the lid!

I was thinking of putting her in the 30gal tank for a spell.....with Cliff's babies... they are much bigger.....now.....


So, Brian? Are ya completely confused or what??? http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_20_4.gif lol!! Good luck, babe!!


01-03-2006, 01:30 PM

When Cliff's babies get larger, you can mix them with your other fish and the spare 30 gallon can be a new home for Splotches. For now, Splotches is fine in the 10 gallon. I knew a woman who had two giant marble angelfish (bigger than my palm) in a 10 gallon for 4 years. She told me that she was getting rid of them and I could have them. When I went to pick them up, there was so much gravel in the tank and the water was so low that their dorsal fins stuck out of the water! They loved me after I put them in a 55 gallon :)

So yes, Splotches is fine for now where she is... but DON'T mix her with the babies. If she harassed the big discus, she'll no doubt do much worse to the younger ones. Best only to keep babies with other babies.


01-03-2006, 02:04 PM
The domestic angels never really turned me on until I saw the wild altum (sp?)pictures. Those are beautiful! Does anybody have those in with their discus?


01-03-2006, 02:08 PM

I've seen people mix them. Beth used to have them mixed in with some of her fish, but she said her altums were particularly aggressive and mean. I've never cared to own any so I don't have any first-hand experience, but they do grow larger than typical scalare angels and if they are as aggressive during feeding as I've heard, they probably wouldn't be the best choice for discus tankmates. However, I do know that some have done it.


01-03-2006, 02:13 PM
Okay then!! Thank you, Ryan~

I will not worry about her anymore~ She does seems perfectly fine~ Do you still have those Angels??

No, I will not mix her with the babies...I was thinking of taking Marc's two, they are much bigger as well, and putting them in the 55gal with Cary's....don't ask why, R....Juss to mix it up a bit? I could always move them back....would that be unecessary added stress tho??

Thanks for watching out for the one you named, Ryan!


01-03-2006, 05:46 PM
The other thing I've found with angels is if they start breeding they get aggressive to everything, I don't know about altums but suspectr they'd be the same.

01-03-2006, 05:55 PM
The domestic angels never really turned me on until I saw the wild altum (sp?)pictures. Those are beautiful! Does anybody have those in with their discus?


I have a group of 6 altums with several discus ... hopefully the picture will post