View Full Version : selling 2 pairs in Daly City, CA

Kenny's Discus
01-03-2006, 07:47 AM
Hi all - I have new pairs that just formed and as much as I'd like to keep working on all my pairs it's just not possible given my current situation. Because of that I will be selling these 2 pairs to lessen my daily workload and create more tank space. They are not proven yet but I can garantee their sex(male & female combination) In fact one of the pairs(male LSS + female Ocean Green) has just laid eggs a few days ago but when I got home from work the eggs were gone.

The 2 males are very big, beautiful adults(6"+) and the 2 females are about 1/2" smaller. I've had them since Oct of last year at 2.5" size so I think they are about 15 months old. I'm asking $220 for each pair and $420 for both pairs. Again these are not proven but I think the price reflects that. They are very nice strains though IMO. If anyone wants to purchase both pairs I will throw in a few juveniles(2.5") that I currently have also.

These are for pickup only(Daly City, CA). If anyone is interested you can contact me @ kj32588@pacbell.net. Thanks all for reading.


LSS(male) x Ocean Green(female)

Kenny's Discus
01-03-2006, 07:48 AM
another pic.

Kenny's Discus
01-03-2006, 07:49 AM
last one of the LSS x OG pair.

Kenny's Discus
01-03-2006, 07:49 AM
The Snake King Corba pair(BSS). Left(male) & Right(female).

Kenny's Discus
01-03-2006, 07:50 AM
Having their meal.

Kenny's Discus
01-03-2006, 07:51 AM
doing the dance.

Kenny's Discus
01-03-2006, 08:20 AM
LSS x OG pair laid their eggs 3 days ago.

01-03-2006, 10:08 AM
They are nice looking Fish. Wish you were closer :) Good luck selling them! If you change your mind and will ship...let me know:)


01-03-2006, 11:07 AM
Yep, someone in Cal is going to get some very nice fish!!!!

01-03-2006, 02:50 PM
WOW! I love that snake King Cobra Pair! :).

01-03-2006, 03:01 PM
Tina Tina Tina....where would you put them??? http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_20_2.gif LOL!!


01-03-2006, 03:25 PM
Very ncie pairs Kenny. Any road trips up to Canada soon? Well, i am going to Disneyland with the kids in May....hmmmmmm;)

Kenny's Discus
01-03-2006, 03:25 PM
Al - thank you and I wish you were closer too :-) I am sorry that currently I don't have the ability to ship but I just want to see if there'll be local takers for them. On average I spend close to 4-5 hrs each day on my fishroom tanks(pairs, juveniles, rams babies, angelfish babies) that I really need to slowly free up some more time for family related issues. Not that I'm getting out but I will probably need to find a way to reduce my fish stocks. Thanks again, Al.

Susankay1 - thank you but I don't see any yet....lol

Tina - oh come'on now Tina I know Marie didn't get your new 40g new tank. I bet you could probably fit a couple pairs in it nicely LOL. (joking)

Have a nice day and take care guys

Kenny's Discus
01-03-2006, 03:28 PM
Chris - going to Disneyland in May huh? I wonder if the "stock price" will rise when they became "proven" pairs...again just joking :-)

I wish you will have a wonderful trip here in the U.S. with your kids in May.


01-03-2006, 03:39 PM
LOL, I have to keep on DH's good side, if I set up that 40 I'll probably be living in one of my tanks! LOL! I love those blue colors though. And yes Marie, thanks for reminding me of my space issues *sigh*. I have several pairs forming and no space to set up more breeding tanks (but would love a green or blue pair, LOL).

Hmmmm, DH is thinking of enclosing our patio, then I could get that 125 gallon aquarium to put in it or make it a fish room? LOL, again I need to stay on DH's good side, LOL.

Kenny, do you still have an ocean green or blue diamond female?


Kenny's Discus
01-03-2006, 03:45 PM
Tina - LOL not that I'm asking you to live in one of your tanks but if you were gonna build a fishroom in the near future you never know what a small "deposit" will do..... lol

The only Ocean Green female I currently have is the one listed above. Why you need a female blue/green fish Tina? Not for my boy right?


01-03-2006, 03:54 PM
Well, maybe, just to give him some options :). Put him in the community tank with other boys and girls and wow did that mix up things a bit. Marie, you're right, he did get huge LOL. Now there is a battle for dominance going on in the tank, I have a couple of what I think are males I got from David, Kenny's male snow leopard. I also got 2 female red/whites, (one I paired with Kenny's fish but somehow they fell through) and a female manderin passion. Looking at my fish, there isn't any blue going on there, and thinking about that post from American Breeder about "diamondizing" with a blue diamond, well, got me thinking about trying a blue diamond with one of my males, LOL (I do like the looks of the ocean greens though).

LOL, the manderin passion and the other red white female is giving your fish the "eye" Kenny. And my other males are displaying too. Maybe won't be too long before another pair forms (or the original pair reforms, LOL).

Kenny's Discus
01-03-2006, 04:59 PM
Tina - check your pm pls.

01-03-2006, 05:34 PM
Pm'ed you Kenny...

White Worm
01-03-2006, 07:44 PM
I'm not set up yet Kenny,,,, lol. I probably wont be for a little while. The wife is a little angry about the hobby taking up alot of time too. I think I may just relax a little before expanding,,,but,,,boy I wish I could come down and pick up those pairs from you. Hows the reds doing,,eggs? I think I will take it slow on the fish room build and maybe in the mean time, my pair will breed. I did a cold water change on them like you suggested,, about 25% and the female was just twitchin, cleaning and dancing but still no eggs yet. The male is all for it but the female has got a lock on her knees I think. I think she is waiting for a marriage proposal from romeo. I think I have found out why they havent bred yet,,,,they are too interested in watching whats going on outside their tank. Very curious fish. When I leave the room,,,they will sit at one side of the tank,,,looking down the hallway like they are waiting for us to come back in the room. I'm sure you will have more pairs when I am ready to expand. MIke

Kenny's Discus
01-03-2006, 08:01 PM
Mike - I will have to agree with you. With multiple tanks it'll take quite a lot of time, and that's on a daily basis. In fact I wasn't really sure if I was just joking about the "divorce papers" the other day lol. And yes if you want to maintain a fishroom full of discus, I dare to say it'll require a lot of daily commitment, no doubt.

Hey Mike if you notice that they are being too "nosy"(looking for food) why don't you try to cover the front side of the tank as well? You can peek from the top once in a while, and make sure they don't see you or else we'll be back to square 1 and you'll end up gift-wrapping the whole tank lol.

Waiting for a marriage proprosal from Romeo huh lol? On the other side here I'm waiting for a divorce proprosal from my wife!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



01-03-2006, 08:15 PM
Guys!!! Divorce papers?? Angry wifes?! You must have been naughty at Christmas time? Too bad you can't get them interested in discus too! Then you would have a match made in heaven. But alas... that would be too perfect wouldn't it....


Kenny's Discus
01-03-2006, 08:20 PM
Candy - I remember your bf was having a tank set up for your juveniles?

I so envy you in that both of you have the same interest/hobby(in a way at least?)


01-06-2006, 10:40 PM
Keep my updated with the lss male Kenny i want him... Have a g nite bro!!

Kenny's Discus
01-06-2006, 11:08 PM
Yes I will friend and I just pm you.

Thanks again,

01-07-2006, 12:11 AM
I will see you tommorrow Kenny!!! Can't wait til i see your setups...

01-07-2006, 10:48 PM
Hi everyone just wanted to let everyone know that me and my gf went to Kenny's pace today to check out his fish and setups... His setup is very nice and clean... He has some really nice german rams also... I came for the lss male so i can try to breed with a female i got at home... We had a little accident with the male but i think everything will be a ok... I just wanted to thank Kenny for the great price on the fish and also on the medicine that i bought from him... Kenny is a very honest and great guy to deal with... I reccomend anyone who lives in the area to buy discus,angels,or rams from him... All of his fish are good quality...
I'll keep you updated with the male Kenny for right now he is in a 10 gal at my gf's house.. I will be taking him home Monday night where i will qt him... Thanks once again for letting me and my gf in your house to check out your setup and selling me the male for a great price!!!! Have a good night!!

Kenny's Discus
01-07-2006, 11:45 PM
Hi crazy4discus - thank you for your kind words but most importantly thanks for coming over today with your gf. It was truly my pleasure. I do sincerely apologize again for that "little" accident and I think we both learned something from it!

Keep me informed about him and good luck finding him a girl! :-)


01-08-2006, 03:02 AM
pm'd you and let me know when we can meet tomorrow :).


01-08-2006, 05:32 AM
lol!! Tina!!

Kenny's Discus
01-08-2006, 05:37 AM
Candy,(speaking on behalf of Tina since she's sleeping I assumed lol)

"you got that wrong Candy we had an agreement a couple days ago so this isn't anything NEW!"


Tina(oh I mean Kenny)

01-08-2006, 05:46 AM
lol Tina.. (I mean Kenny)!! ;)

So I guess she got that 100 gal up and running? lol.. more discus please!


Kenny's Discus
01-08-2006, 06:24 AM
yeah Candy it's a never ending story lol.


01-08-2006, 06:32 AM
selling any of those rolled-cornered tanks?

Kenny's Discus
01-08-2006, 06:36 AM
Timbo - no I don't sell tanks and BTW I need more of those...too! I had about 8 of those and needless to say they are fully occupied. Thanks.


Kenny's Discus
01-09-2006, 12:44 AM
All fish are sold/spoken for. Thanks all for inquiring about them.


01-09-2006, 01:46 AM
WOW, I wish I had a 100 gallon! LOL! There's a 125 at the LFS that I'm drooling over, but I have to be good with the spouse :). Said I would cool it on buying any more fish or fish stuff for a while (well, trading isn't officially buying, so that was OK :)).

Everybody is moved into their tanks and had a good meal :).

Thanks again Kenny!


01-09-2006, 03:01 AM
I am hoping to see some pics woman!! Where 's the new baby at??

Kenny's Discus
01-09-2006, 08:43 AM
Tina - you are so welcome and I really want to thank you 2! Tina is such a nice, sweet lady in that we originally agreed to meet like halfway from where we live but since the traffic on my side was quite jammed up she would call me on my cell and drive further up so that I ended up driving less than halfway. (Next time I'll meet you in Oakland if that's ok with you Tina lol)

Your fish are doing fine as well in their 29g QT. I will post some pics of yours as soon as they're settled. I want the pictures to do justice to your beautiful fish! (and vice versa Tina? lol)

Candy - by no means are we trading babies lol. But will definitely post them later!

Thanks again and remember to keep in touch, as always!

01-09-2006, 12:10 PM
LOL, I did get 2 baby discus from Kenny as well as some very big ones too :). The way those babies eat, I've got the epsom salt ready just in case :).


Kenny's Discus
01-09-2006, 12:15 PM
oh yes that's right Tina I totally forgot about the 2 juveniles! I think too much Discus for me and I should get more sleeping time instead........................LOL


01-09-2006, 01:10 PM
oh yes that's right Tina I totally forgot about the 2 juveniles! I think too much Discus for me and I should get more sleeping time instead........................LOL


LOL Kenny if ya figure out how to get any decent sleep let me know...cause I'm sure not gettin any thinkin about gettin this tank up and runnin and stocked.

Kenny's Discus
01-09-2006, 01:26 PM

"LOL Kenny if ya figure out how to get any decent sleep let me know...cause I'm sure not gettin any thinkin about gettin this tank up and runnin and stocked."

Jarrod - TRUST ME I know exactly what you mean and feel. As a matter of fact I had the same thing happening to me last night thinking about which group of Reds should be mixed in with those Reds I got from Tina and I ended up taking Tylenol because of it.(extra strength BTW) LOL I guess Mike is right that we are a bunch of Discus Addicts! LOL

Take care pal!


White Worm
01-09-2006, 01:45 PM
Hey Kenny, you got more reds huh? HHHMMMM. You better get a pair soon because I am itching for some red fish and lisa still remembers a certain person promising her a couple reds when they are ready. Babies soon I hope or the leftovers from the pairing. More like we are obsessed addicts. This is worse than smokin crack. Just as expensive though probably.

White Worm
01-09-2006, 01:48 PM
By the way, the 4 little ones I got from you are doing FANTASTIC! They all four look perfect for their age, good eye. They all eat like horses and come right to the front when I walk up. The one I was worried about has completely made a turn around. His color is beautiful already and he is light like the others now. All their fins are up high and they are living large in a 75g for the four of them. Funny to watch their behavior to establish pecking order at so young of an age. Noone can figure out who is boss yet but they all get along really well.

Kenny's Discus
01-09-2006, 01:58 PM
so glad to hear that Mike. I really do. :-)

I'll update you on the Reds. You see the most important thing about breeding discus(or even just raising them) is what Mike???


now practice it Mike lol.

Take care

01-09-2006, 02:17 PM
so glad to hear that Mike. I really do. :-)

I'll update you on the Reds. You see the most important thing about breeding discus(or even just raising them) is what Mike???


now practice it Mike lol.

Take care

And great water! Kenny, I'm jealous what you get out of your tap! I have to set up a DI unit to match your water! Most of that batch of eggs from your snowfire male turned white (surprise, surprise with the water parameters but I was just trying to acclimate them when they decided to go for it) BUT about 1/8 -1/4 are dark despite the harder water! And this was the first breeding with this female! Hope things continue and they stay compatible.

LOL, one thing I have noticed about the monogomy of discus though, they are faithful until something new or better comes along! If the same fish are in the tank, they stay with that fish, but if someone comes in that looks like a more hunky or pretty fish, their little fishy eyes rove. Sometimes it is so funny watching them try not to burn their bridges with their current mate but try to display on the side to a potential new mate. I've had quite a few female discus cat fights too when they find out about "the other female" too. LOL!


White Worm
01-09-2006, 02:19 PM
Thats a bad word Kenny,,,you are not aloud to say bad words on simply. There is not a person on here that has PATIENCE!!!. More fish, more tanks, more fish, more tanks!! You can talk because you have all that cool discus stuff in your magic garage. I want some too!!! I'll wait though. I got enough on my hands now. Just keep me in mind when you have some sub reds that are left after you get your pairs. I will even grow up some red babies when you get some. Maybe I will have some babies soon. No signs yet but I'm sure she has to build back up. I dont think I will do anything different after she lays this time. I will just go on with business as usual. She felt comfortable enough to lay them so I will feed and do everything like I normally do. If she eats em again,,,,I may have to get in the tank and have a discussion with her. You speak their language a little better than me so maybe you can come over and have a talk with her.

Kenny's Discus
01-09-2006, 02:23 PM

"Sometimes it is so funny watching them try not to burn their bridges with their current mate but try to display on the side to a potential new mate."

I know how that looks Tina lol. His/her eye will be busy moving L & R back and forth to make sure he/she is still within the boundary of things, if you know what I mean. LOL


01-09-2006, 02:43 PM
Hmmm, sleep...

LOL, I'm at work but really my heart isn't in it. Brought that laminated sheet of discus photos you gave me Kenny with me and looking at it (and showing it around to some other discus owners in the office). Definitely feels like a Monday.

LOL, when you called you were around the Outlets last night, I was driving around looking for a Starbucks! LOL!:coffee: (couldn't believe a mall that large didn't have one!)


Kenny's Discus
01-09-2006, 02:46 PM
Mike - that's honestly not true and I'm not taking shots at you here(you know I wouldn't do that to u) :-) but it's never my intention to "talk" because of what I have in my garage(btw it's not much at all). Over the years I''ve been through so many trials & errors that if I told you what I've experimented/experienced you would think I am a Discus Retard lol. Believe me I have experienced all you have right now and many of them were really not that pleasant so to speak.

For instance, back in the old days when information were so limited, I had to try maybe like 5-10 different meds for my sick discus and to no prevail. Chloramine poisoning from our water department without notifying the public? Plague from Asia?(let not argue on this subject) Many years of failure/refinement of breeding techniques?

Mike without "patience" I would never have made it this far, and that's again when there were not even internet to begin with. :-(


ps: and Mike I have no "sub" reds as they are all from the same batch. Only looking to get pairing out of them regardless of which ones they are. :-)

Kenny's Discus
01-09-2006, 02:54 PM
oh Tina I just remembered I forgot to give you another laminated photo of a pair(sibling to your boy) carrying frys at different stages! I'm sure you would love them! Maybe next time then.............in Oakland that is. :-)

told you I need some sleep..........:-)


White Worm
01-09-2006, 03:02 PM
I was just joking with you Kenny :D , I respect the experiences you have had and it has paid off for you. I think your setup is impressive and I'm sure i would have some others here agree with me. Well, if you have no subs (thats right, they grew up huh?) I guess I will have to settle for the leftover adults once you have some pairs :D . I didnt think you were taking shots Kenny!! Perception is a hard thing on the internet. You are my good friend and I wasnt mad at all. You have always been very gracious, helpful and more than generous. I want you to come down as soon as I get my fish room setup. It may take me a while but i'm sure you can give me some good ideas. I think I have a good idea now of what I want as a setup and then I may buy you out of your fish so I'll let you know ahead of time so you can stock up, LMAO.

Kenny's Discus
01-09-2006, 03:12 PM
Mike - I know you weren't and neither were I. I just wanted to say that back in the old days many things have to be learned the hard way without info. And yes things said on the net can be so easily perceived the wrong way that's why I had a "disclaimer" there in the beginning lol.

I'll be very glad to give you ideas any way I can, Mike


01-09-2006, 03:14 PM

Would you be interested in a Mandarin Passion female? LOL, she's an odd one out now since Kenny got my other single reds :)


White Worm
01-09-2006, 03:17 PM
Got a pic??

White Worm
01-09-2006, 03:34 PM
What did you guys trade if I may ask?? Reds for what?
Kenny, do you still have those young yellow whites (orange colored)?

01-09-2006, 03:36 PM
I'll get you a pic when I get home, Unless Kenny can forward her old pic to you :).

Kenny's Discus
01-09-2006, 03:42 PM
sure I can Tina, you want me to send the pic to Mike?

Mike the yellow_white are not for sale because I am keeping them for future breeders. I hand picked them out when they were 2" and now they are about 4". I could try to find them for you though if that's what you want.

yes I can tell you what I traded for with Tina in pm.(you ok with this right Tina lol)


01-09-2006, 03:46 PM

I already pm'd him the details of the trade so it's OK :). Yes, go ahead and forward the picture. It isn't the most flattering of her since it is at an angle and distorts her shape, but it's pretty good of her color (and of course they were all camara shy yesterday and hiding behind the sponge filter when I was trying to get updated shots).


01-09-2006, 03:59 PM
Here's a bad picture of her that I had at the office. I think it was taken during the summer but it is newer.


White Worm
01-09-2006, 04:03 PM
Kenny, I am always looking for some nice colors to add (like the orange color like the male i got from you) but the wife wants some reds first before I get the orange. I think I am pretty full right now though so I had better wait till I get some more tanks set up huh? Gonna use that patience thing you were talking about, lol :D :p My Qt tank is empty now so who knows.
I may have room enough for a couple of nice reds soon (maybe even wait till the magic garage produces some red fry) Please have a talk with your red pairs and let them know that there are alot of people that are waiting on them ok? LMAO:D
I can see why you are keeping those yellows for future breeders because they were some very nice looking discus and I forgot you had told me that before, sorry. I cant wait till I have something worth while to trade. Well, until then, shovel out that cash!

Kenny's Discus
01-09-2006, 04:15 PM
np Mike. As per your request I will have a conference with the pair tonight and will explain the situation to them. LOL


White Worm
01-09-2006, 04:25 PM
I know they will see it your way when you are done talking with them and they fully understand the implications of their actions. Dont make it too long because they will start giving you that eye roll like "yeah we know already"
Plus,, dont let the wife catch you. She will think you are more loopy than she thought. Mine catches me talking with them once in a while and she asks "Who are you talking to in there?"I say, "noone, just myself honey"

01-09-2006, 05:42 PM
You guys sound like me and giving my fish Pep talks! LOL! People would think me crazy if they saw me in front of the Snow leopards tank when he was paired up with the red/white Kenny got.

"What do we want?...BABIES...When do we want them?...NOW!..."

LOL, the Snowfire got all excited though when I was telling him this though. ;)


Kenny's Discus
01-09-2006, 06:26 PM
Mike & Tina:

LOL I think if we keep on having this kind of conversation I will need to see a dr. or something soon to make sure I can still keep on raising discus without developing any significant mental sickness. LOL



White Worm
01-09-2006, 06:40 PM
I like the whole team leader approach. "Come on guys, get in there, we want some eggs, dont we?"
We dont think you are crazy kenny!
Do we tina?????
Seriously though,,,,,I think it comes from looking at them,,when they look back, dont you see language and a certain intelligence behind that discus stare. Maybe I am nutz. They are probably just thinking "Could you possibly leave us alone for about an hour?, we have serious business to attend to!"LOL

01-09-2006, 07:03 PM
LOL, no Kenny is no crazier than the rest of us, (or maybe less than the rest of us, LOL).

Yes, when I look into my discus eyes I can definitely see the wheels turning, they definitely think and I put them right up to the same intelligence as dogs or cats. (heck, Goliath rubs against my hand like a cat during tank cleaning, makes me jump if I don't expect it!). They aren't swimming/eating machines (like it seems my barbs are sometimes, uggghhh).

Someone that delt alot with discus once told me that discus can also have nightmares and heart attacks.

Yes, when they are breeding, I let my husband and the kids know to stay away from the tank! LOL!