View Full Version : Eggs

White Worm
01-07-2006, 03:14 AM
here they are Kenny.


Look familiar??? HEHEHEHE

Kenny's Discus
01-07-2006, 03:19 AM
Congrats Mikey! I'd like to see some pics of eggs...............with PARENTS lol

By the way how did you just take the pic of the eggs huh? You didn't take the brick out and plan to artificially breed them right?


Keep us posted and keep the pictures coming my friend! (what comes around goes around about asking pics?) ROFL

Good Luck!


Greg Richardson
01-07-2006, 03:20 AM
Congrats Mike!
There ya gooooooooooooooooooo!!!

Kenny's Discus
01-07-2006, 03:22 AM
BTW Mike any chance you can reserve me the whole batch of eggs and DHL them all to me overnight? PLEASE!!!!!!!!!


White Worm
01-07-2006, 03:23 AM
You will be surprised at the way I got the pic,,Because of where my tank is, I had to take the pic from underneath the tank through the glass bottom. They kinda backed away a little so i could get a good shot, kinda nice of them to do that for me huh? Hold on, pic of mam and dada coming up

Kenny's Discus
01-07-2006, 03:23 AM
waiting anxiously.............................ZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZZZZ



White Worm
01-07-2006, 03:27 AM
Mom and Dad tending eggs


White Worm
01-07-2006, 03:28 AM
Mom taking a moment to pose for the camera this time.


Kenny's Discus
01-07-2006, 03:30 AM
man Mikey you need to do better than that. You can use my pics' angle as reference. (now I am kidding!) Great pics btw!

Good job!


White Worm
01-07-2006, 03:30 AM
This is the best shot I can get as you can see, they had to put them on the brick in the back where I cant see them. How horrible would it be if I turned the brick for a little better shot?

Thanks Greg, I've been waiting,,I'm the proud grandpa of my first eggs but I know to not be sold yet, we'll see though, I have high hopes.

01-07-2006, 03:31 AM
Congrats Mike!!

Didnt i hear you mention you finally took Kenny advice and do a water change with cold water earlier?

White Worm
01-07-2006, 03:35 AM
That is correct, I am updating now,,,,,, If you want them to spawn,,,,hit em with 25% cold water change and wala, it works. Heres proof. Listen to me,,,,I sound like the expert now,,,,blah,, Got all my info from the MAN, thanks Kenny!!!!!!!!!!!!

White Worm
01-07-2006, 03:37 AM
Oh Kenny, SHEESH,,these are my first eggs and you are already talking about artificial raising, I think not my friend, lol. If they make it and when they are old enough, do you have room for a couple siblings of your favorite pair??

Kenny's Discus
01-07-2006, 03:42 AM
I was just joking about artificial breeding, Mike. When Cliff the master of Artificial Breeding is here I wouldn't dare to mention those words.......:-0


Kenny's Discus
01-07-2006, 03:47 AM
OK now Mike - do not, I said again, DO NOT even think about turning the brick for a better shot! It's not worth it! lol (who did you learn that from by the way huh?)

I'm glad the cold water works! I think Candy girl gave you that tip as well. She deserves some credit too Mike!

Man didn't I tell you that this pair would only lay eggs on the back of the brick? Some things will never change...............LOL

BTW thanks for the offer Mike it's really generous of you! I'll be sure to get some frys from you when you have a tankful full of them.


White Worm
01-07-2006, 03:51 AM
No kidding, dont they understand that I am excited and want to see whats going on back there. I guess I should have left more room behind the tank for pictures huh? I'll try and see if I can get some better ones

White Worm
01-07-2006, 03:58 AM
Little better shot, they are so protective, always hiding them from me.


White Worm
01-07-2006, 04:00 AM
Dad took a break to let me know I was stepping in on his territory.


Kenny's Discus
01-07-2006, 04:03 AM
Mike - I think that's enough for now, don't you think so? I just don't want you to upset them too much with the camera flash......that's all. And I want them to be successful this 1st time(in your home that is), I really do.


White Worm
01-07-2006, 04:05 AM
Yep, I am just letting them do their thing, just wanted to capture some pics of my first pair and first eggs. Thanks for all the advice and hopefully you will be visiting me to get some youngins one day.

Kenny's Discus
01-07-2006, 04:11 AM
Also Mike remember to leave some sort of night light on b4 you turn off your room light tonight. It doesn't have to be bright at all but just enough to let them see/take care of the eggs.


01-07-2006, 04:34 AM
Next time put the brick all the way against trhe back glass.

Might work.

Kenny's Discus
01-07-2006, 04:39 AM
Yes it might work Rick or it might not. In my limited experience I found that when you place the substrate where they have to "back-facing" you when guarding eggs, many times they will not feel secure enough and would end up eating the eggs. Unless you have them high up(out of traffic) or the pair are very experienced then it might be OK. JMHO


White Worm
01-07-2006, 04:54 AM
I set it up how you suggested kenny, even all the way around. Space to maneuver around. Something worked and the only two things I did were cold water changes every other day and I moved the brick so the whole back of the brick was out of sight. I think they feel a little more secure hiding back there. They have been checking out the brick for a couple of days and I had it turned to where I could see all sides if they bred. then I moved it back straight and they did. Worked, thats all that counts. something is right and thats the important thing, now to get them free swimming.

Kenny's Discus
01-07-2006, 05:13 AM
yeah way to go Mike!

That's also 1 of the main reasons why I always tell other discus hobbyists to keep an open mind about the techniques(raising, breeding, etc...) - it's not always whether it's right or wrong, but whether they would work for you! As long as it works that's all it counts.


01-07-2006, 12:34 PM
Hi Kenny. So when i have eggs in the tank, i should leave a light on in the tank? I didnt know that. I have two very low wattage moon lunar lights , would that be enough light for nighttime egg watching?

01-07-2006, 01:13 PM
Mike Congrats!

They should turn black at about 36 hours. I use cones never thought of bricks LOL! Please keep us updated!

White Worm
01-07-2006, 01:42 PM
16 hours or so and mom and pop are dilligently watching eggs. Hey kenny,,,I did half a cube and they both seemed pretty hungry after all that egg laying. I then fed the other half because they looked like they wanted more, they did, ate it all quickly and then back to the eggs. They usually take turns but does it hurt if the parents are not constantly tending? I dont want to feed too much and take them away from the eggs, I dont know. Since last night, they have both been very attentive to their eggs. Most say that the parents wont eat much but mine still seem to eat just like before,,just much quicker,,I think so they can return to eggs quickly. Any ideas from your experience kenny on their eating habits while having eggs? I know you were worried about leftovers in the tank,,well,,no need to worry,,they have always been good eaters and still are. No scraps left when they are done! The male sometimes can get a big lump of blood worms in his mouth like he is eating spaghetti. He grabs the lump of blood worms as they are falling to the bottom and shakes his head side to side like a dog with a chew toy. The female just runs around like a little vacuum and bamm, all gone.

Kenny's Discus
01-07-2006, 02:28 PM
Hi Chris - as suggested a while ago by our wonderful Carol Roberts you should keep a "night light" on at night after the pair are done laying their eggs. It doesn't need to be bright or anything and I think as long as you can see the eggs with your current moon light it should be enough.

I put a simple 10-20w table lamp on top of/near the breeder tank when I had tanks in my living room b4 and turned off all the room light. But that's just me...


Kenny's Discus
01-07-2006, 02:37 PM
Mike - I'll say if the pair would breed and still eat like this you did a real good job! They seem to have become even more piggies now huh? The reason I told you not to feed them 2 much was because I want to minimize your work for WC's during this time. Also they don't have to be constantly(like 24/7) fanning the eggs, it won't hurt so just let them do whatever they like. And yes some pair while guarding eggs will tend to be more alert and tend to take a couple bites of food faster so that they can get back to their eggs(protective instinct).

BTW Mike if you want to feed them normally that should be ok as long as your water parameters are in check and pls...........don't feed spaghetti is all I ask. LOL


White Worm
01-07-2006, 02:51 PM
when it comes to spaghetti, the male likes his sauce kinda soupy but the female prefers meat and chunky tomatoes. You should see them when they are done. Spaghetti from fin to fin. LMAO

White Worm
01-07-2006, 02:54 PM
I'll keep feeding but maybe knock it down to about half of what I was feeding since I am not doing a wc for little bit. Good thing I did the wc the night before they spawned, at least i know its good for a couple days. When should i attempt a small wc?

01-07-2006, 02:56 PM
Mine at like quick pigs as well with the first spawn LOL!
Now they seem to fan the eggs but will leave them to eat, must have realized there is no thread in the tank with them. Once they are done eating back to the eggs they go :)

Kenny is right you should have somekind of light on 24/7.
I use green mericle beam lights in my breeder tank, they shine on the cones.
Has any turned white?

Kenny's Discus
01-07-2006, 02:57 PM
I'd say wait til they're hatched out/free-swimming - again provided your water parameters are stable.

White Worm
01-07-2006, 04:38 PM
I didnt have a chance to look at them today to see if any were white. I will look when I get home today around 3 and take a look. There must be a 100 or so by the looks of the pic, what do you think? Lights are always on for them so I wont change anything. I didnt want to disturb them too much since they were very accomadating with my picture taking last night. They looked at me and said "OK, thats enough grandpa" I'll try and get a good updated pic tonight if they let me. They seem to stay right in front of the eggs and dont let me see much. Maybe i'll take a pic when they are eating.

01-07-2006, 05:15 PM
16 hours or so and mom and pop are dilligently watching eggs. Hey kenny,,,I did half a cube and they both seemed pretty hungry after all that egg laying. I then fed the other half because they looked like they wanted more, they did, ate it all quickly and then back to the eggs. They usually take turns but does it hurt if the parents are not constantly tending? I dont want to feed too much and take them away from the eggs, I dont know. Since last night, they have both been very attentive to their eggs. Most say that the parents wont eat much but mine still seem to eat just like before,,just much quicker,,I think so they can return to eggs quickly. Any ideas from your experience kenny on their eating habits while having eggs? I know you were worried about leftovers in the tank,,well,,no need to worry,,they have always been good eaters and still are. No scraps left when they are done! The male sometimes can get a big lump of blood worms in his mouth like he is eating spaghetti. He grabs the lump of blood worms as they are falling to the bottom and shakes his head side to side like a dog with a chew toy. The female just runs around like a little vacuum and bamm, all gone.

In many ways this sums up our wonderful hobby. Some parents won't eat at all, some eat bits, and some eat like pigs!!

My advice, if they are eating it, feed them. My last pair ate well, I vac'd the waste (poo!!) using a 1/4" dia tube so I didn't take too much water out! Personally I don't do water changes once eggs are laid!!

There is no one way of doing it right, enjoy the experience and bank it!

Good luck,

White Worm
01-07-2006, 05:44 PM
Thanks paul, I have decided to just feed lightly for the next day or so and leave them to their business. This is very cool though!!

White Worm
01-07-2006, 06:04 PM
Update,,,,,,,,,,No more eggs :( :( :( :( Must have ate them.

Kenny's Discus
01-07-2006, 06:31 PM
oh I had high hopes Mike.....

Let them try some more or if you really want to see frys pm me.


01-07-2006, 09:26 PM
Update,,,,,,,,,,No more eggs :( :( :( :( Must have ate them.
Hi Mike,
My Marlboro Red pair ate their first eggs, too. Don't be sad. They will get it right next time!
BTW, what stain is the dad? He is sooooooo handsome!

01-09-2006, 01:59 AM
:( :( :( :(

White Worm
01-09-2006, 02:05 AM
Next time, I will leave em alone and feed normal but maybe cover tank so they dont see so much traffic. If that doesnt work, I will cover the eggs after and then mom cant eat them.

01-09-2006, 09:41 AM
Next time, I will leave em alone and feed normal but maybe cover tank so they dont see so much traffic. If that doesnt work, I will cover the eggs after and then mom cant eat them.
But would they still eat the fry after the egg hatched?

Kenny's Discus
01-09-2006, 09:52 AM
Lauren - it really depends on the pair. Every pair is unique and different. Some pairs can "get the hang of it" after only a few tries(maybe even the 1st try but it's rare) while others might take up to like 20 tries or more. I wish your pair will figure it out very soon.

Take care

01-09-2006, 11:00 AM
Update,,,,,,,,,,No more eggs :( :( :( :( Must have ate them.
Mike, bummer. It can take em time though so be patient, my current pair had around 5 or 6 goes before I got a batch!

White Worm
01-09-2006, 01:21 PM
They have carried before, they are proven pair but I think I just pissed them off, so,,, live and learn, next time, they will be left alone. Now I also have the brick positioned to where I could get a decent pic without disturbing them. Someone asked about the brick,,,kenny does it so i figured it works so why not. cheap. Since eating the eggs, there has been no signs of anything from her but maybe in about 5 days or so. For a while there,,I thought her egg layer was broke. But I know now that she can still do it and he is more than willing. Awesome fertilizer, he was making a run everytime after her. He sometimes couldnt wait for his turn. the two of them were one big tangled mess of discus. It was funny seeing them sideways and upside down just working on those eggs. It made it harder because she laid them very low on the brick, near the bottom. Both of them had to turn sideways and then vertical. They didnt seem to care though.

Kenny's Discus
01-09-2006, 01:36 PM
Mike - isn't it a little contradictive in that you said you're gonna leave them alone next time but you still plan on taking pictures at them? lol

IMO any flash from camera after their spawns can potentially disturb them.
