View Full Version : Worms?

White Worm
01-08-2006, 12:19 AM
Here it is! Dont know. I added life bearer and he crapped two of these about 20 minutes later. I dont know if it was the med or coincidence. Sorry the pic sucks but they are very active right now. He is fine otherwise.


White Worm
01-08-2006, 12:20 AM
Very long whitish/clear worm looking thing.

Kenny's Discus
01-08-2006, 12:25 AM
"worm-looking thing" but not really worms right?

White Worm
01-08-2006, 12:30 AM
Right, it doesnt look alive, just a long mucus string

Kenny's Discus
01-08-2006, 12:31 AM
I'm sure many would advice to use metro especially if he/she is not eating well....how does he/she eat btw?

White Worm
01-08-2006, 12:35 AM
he hasnt ate much lately, he is active but not a great eater like he used to be.

White Worm
01-08-2006, 12:40 AM
Hey Kenny, how often will the pair lay eggs ya think?

01-08-2006, 02:15 AM
hi honey i hope your fish get better

01-08-2006, 07:11 AM
Mike, don't know what life bearer is, guessing its a wormer??

The stuff looks and sounds like the stomach lining, not as bad as it sounds, just happens when they haven't eaten for a while! The fish looks healthy enough but difficult to work out what may be wrong!! Can you isolate him?? At this stage I wouldn't use any meds, maybe just bump up the temp a little for a week or so, it can help stimulate feeding, keep the water good and feed little and often, initially with its favourite food.

IMO meds are the last resort. Keep us posted.

01-08-2006, 11:24 AM
Never heard of Life Bearer Mikey! Is it a wormer? I thought I saw it at Capitol Aquarium once, but I can not remember what it is~

Is that where you got it? I hope he is better~

You too....http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_2_80.gif


01-08-2006, 12:47 PM
Life Bearer is liquid dylox, wich is why the "worms" are suspect.

They don't quite look like tapeworms, canellanus,or other worms that would be that size IMO.

I think it maybe a shed stomach lining but I'd need a better pic for a solid diagnosis.

01-08-2006, 12:56 PM
Okay Jason, but is it a dewomer?? or no?


01-08-2006, 01:07 PM
well yes and no,
It will kill external worms like tremetode flukes, anchor worm and, trichodina.

It wont kill anything internal thats why those "worms" are suspect.

01-08-2006, 01:59 PM
i see metro in your immediate future; classic symptoms; id get him outa there now and treat, but thats me

White Worm
01-09-2006, 01:57 AM
Life Bearer is mainly for flukes, maybe it was just a coincidence that after I put it in, I saw that string hanging from one of them. Another one today, hard to get a pick. He seems fine otherwise, eats pretty good. Chases everyone (I think he is dominant fish out of the 4) Should I just treat the tank with the other three in there? Anyone use gel tek med? Has metro, prazi and fenben in it. wouldnt the rest of them have it? Move him by himself and treat? High temp first? Its not alive, so I dont think it is an actual worm. Just long slime string that he craps out. 2 that I have seen in 2 days. cant the others get sick if they come in contact with the stuff?

White Worm
01-09-2006, 02:00 AM

White Worm
01-09-2006, 02:02 AM
Supposed to work as good as prazi but cheaper. Marie,,,I got it from exotic on florin. 1 drop per gallon / 24 hours / 25% wc / 1 drop per gallon / continue with normal wc's after 24 hours. Kenny told me about it and srini used it and said it was good.

01-09-2006, 02:23 AM
be carefull with that stuff, the higher the ph the more toxic it is. If your killing flukes you'll need to dose again 7 days after the initial treatment. I would not use metro at this point, you can raise the temp a bit but you will need to lower it before the next lifebearer treatment.

As effective as prazi yes, as mild as prazi no! its much more toxic and can have bad side-effects like fish going-off feed after a treatment.

01-09-2006, 02:36 AM
looks like stomach lining to me..a bit stressed..they can shed it. stomach lining is kinda whitish with clearish seethru parts..
makes complete sense right? : )
listen to jason..he knows his "stuff" .

White Worm
01-09-2006, 03:52 AM
I believe it is stomach lining slime. So the best procedure here would be to raise temp? I usually have it about 85-86 in that tank. They seem to eat fine still. They arent showing any signs of being ill since life bearer. What temp 90-93?
Jason,,so do you think the directions are wrong then? It says 1 drop per gallon, 24 hours do 25%wc and then do second treatment. I did the first treatment yesterday and I havent done the second treatment yet. I was real busy today so I didnt get a chance.

01-09-2006, 04:23 AM
those directions are ok if your ph is bellow 7.8, the main thing is you want to have another treatment 7 days after your last to kill any hatchlings or cysts that survived the first treatment, especially if you have gravel and decor.

I would not raise the temp that high maybe 88dgf, those blown intestine linnings are not a 100% diagnosis of flagelletes. They can even be caused by a all soft-food diet like beefheart, flakes, bloodworms, etc.
Try to incorperate some rough ballast hard to digest foods like freeze-dried Krill into their diets a few times per week as the last feed of the day. As they dont seem to display any other of the classic symptoms there is no need to potentially stress them out treating something that isn't there.

01-09-2006, 04:25 AM
Thanks Mikey~

For telling me where you got it. And much more too....

Hey, babe, perhaps you shouldnt use that stuff? Listen to Jason, dontcha think? Toss it...could backfire....http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/15/15_6_25.gif

Hell, come get my meds....I have oodles, all unopened.......

That stuff sounds..........unpredictable at best, Mike~


ps...dont make me come down there....lol!

White Worm
01-09-2006, 02:33 PM
Kenny has used it and says it works very well. I so far havent gone wrong with his advice. The man does know a thing or two about discus :D I also do take into consideration the advice of others and I will keep a close eye on them and make sure they dont exhibit any ill symptoms and if they do, large wc and quit med. Looks like I may have a small fin rot problem on one of my blues. Maybe raised temp will take care of all minor problems.

Does any one trim the fins for fin rot??? I believe lay them on wet towel, trim and release back into tank. Do you think it hurt em to have their fins trimmed and I would think you just trim far enough back to get the rot removed? It looks like it is also on the back of the top fin a little also. Trim that too?

01-09-2006, 03:12 PM

I think that Al has some experience with trimming the fins, but I am not sure~



Kenny's Discus
01-09-2006, 03:30 PM
Mike - that was just my experience as I'm sure others will have different perferences when it comes to what medication to use for their unique situation.

Here's a couple links I found which contain the use of Life Bearer.



White Worm
01-09-2006, 03:51 PM
Kenny,,,everything you have told me has worked so far so I have no reason not to give it a try. They havent show any ill signs and they actually are very active, lip locking and definately trying to establish pecking order. I have 2 new additions in there now and I need a few more later. Only 4 in a 85g and they argue alot. I know,,,,6-7,,,working on it!, lol. noone seems to have any damage. Its spread out enough that one doesnt get any more than any of the others right now. I have dividers just in case though. They are eating well and great colors, high fins and active.

01-10-2006, 03:25 PM
Hey Mikey,

How's your fish doing? Any more suspicious looking poos? I have seen my fish poop out stuff like that but smaller. They usually do it after eating bloodworms though. Scared me at first... i thought they had hex. Anyhow, I hope they are doing well. Update us !!!



White Worm
01-11-2006, 01:38 AM
I havent seen him poop anymore white slimey poops in the last couple days but I dont see any of them poop because I am at work all day. I did a good vacuum and a 25% wc and I added some fungus buddies. Maybe to take care of the fin rot which looks better but of course the tank is now a yellowish tinge and foggy. The one who pooped the white thing is still active, nice color and high fins so he doesnt look sick. He doesnt like blood worms like the others do so i feed shrimp and I have seen him eat some. He dont eat alot but some is a good thing. I raised the temp to 89. they all constantly lip lock, tail swat and push each other around but no damage so far to any. Theres only the four and thats not a good number but $$.... I'll keep the wc's going until it clears up the water. 7th day, I will do one more fluke treatment. I havent seen any flashing or scratching but like jason said, make sure any eggs have died. Everything looks good but the tank water.

White Worm
01-25-2006, 07:29 PM
OK, sampson is still not eating much and has seemed to stop growing unlike the rest of his discus friends. He is still very nice in color, high fins, very active but no other bad symptoms but.......saw another white poop. This time it was thicker and almost foamy / cottony looking. Still doesnt look like its alive or a worm or anything but i didnt see any for a while so i thought he was fine but he doesnt seem to eat at all and the rest are passing him in size. Think its time to send him to qt for metro? Mike

Kenny's Discus
01-25-2006, 09:10 PM
given your description I would say yes - time for metro with elevated temp of 93.


01-26-2006, 05:06 AM
Agree with Kenny.


01-26-2006, 05:52 AM
advised that three pages ago but ....

White Worm
02-23-2006, 03:33 PM
Update... Never used meds (Well....life bearer and salt), he is now eating like a horse, has paired up with his favorite girl and his crap is black. I guess just giving them time to work it out is better sometimes (kept tank clean and water changed). They actually have an immune system so why not let them use it. He is a little stunted but I think he will be fine. He is still a cool lookin fish and lots of confidence and personality. I think he may have already been a little stunted when I got him anyway because I was still new at this discus thing when I bought him. His attitude makes up for his size anyway.

02-23-2006, 06:04 PM
That is great news, Mike~
