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View Full Version : Driftwood: real or resin?

01-10-2006, 05:35 PM
Newbie question: :confused:

How safe is using real driftwood in a Discus tank? Has anyone ever had trouble with real wood? Am I better off with those cast resin repros?


01-10-2006, 05:48 PM
Ive only used the real thing, and never had problems. Plecos like to feed on this driftwood, that is why i went real. If you have only discus, it might not matter. Driftwood can also help keep your ph down as it releases natural tannins into the water.

01-10-2006, 05:52 PM
Guess it depends on where you get it from. From a lfs I always give it a good scrub under the hot water tap and depending on how big it is either boil it for an hour or if too big put it in a large container with a heater and apowerhead or airstone for a week 10 days, if the water still smells ok after that time it will go in the tank, if not, I repeat the process!

You can also leave it in the sun for a week or two.


01-10-2006, 06:30 PM
Although there are some nice resin pieces on the market, I feel they look fake. Espescially when they have little foliage painted on. For me, natural is the only way to go. And don't mix the two. Thats a dead givaway.