View Full Version : Question about Flukes effect on gill usage

01-15-2006, 02:39 AM
I'm still qting two wilds I bought two weeks ago and they are showing signs of external parasites with rubbing and use of only one gill. I started treating with Rid-Ich+ today at the recommended dosage of 1tsp (5ml)/10 gallons after first doing a 25% wc. This gives a concentration of .05mg/L of malachite green and 15mg/L of formalin. I then did a 50% water change after 8 hours.

Both of the wilds are still only breathing out of one gill, should I step up the treatment or just continue doing daily treatment until I see improvement?

Should I see a quick return of the use of the gills, or do they need time to heal after being affected by the flukes and formaldehyde/formalin?

I'm planning on doing daily treatment at the same routine tomorrow.

This is my first time dealing with parasites which I why I ask.

Thanks for your time,

01-15-2006, 03:00 AM
Those are not necessarily signs of flukes....Have you checked ur water parameters?

I haven't used that product so I can't advise but make sure you keep the tank very clean and change lotsa water with aged water and maintain salt.....Did you do a prazi treat already?


01-15-2006, 03:13 AM
Hi Sandeep, I haven't checked my water parameters because I only have one kit which is for my other tanks.

I have been doing 50% wcs since I got them. Unfortunately, I haven't used any salt because I didn't have enough to treat the whole tank. I plan to start it tomorrow after I get a bag of rock salt at the store.

I'm using tap water for changes, but I match the temp and use prime on the water as well.


01-15-2006, 11:39 PM
Well, they still have the clamped gill so I'll treat with formalin again.
