View Full Version : Sick after switching tanks.

01-15-2006, 08:56 PM
I pulled one pair out of a 29gal breeder tank and put a different pair in. All 4 fish were in great shape when I did it. The male that came out of my adults tank immedietly turned dark and stopped eating. Now he spends all day in the corner. The two that went back into the adults tank are still doing great as is the female that came from that tank with the male. The sick guy is one of the two biggest and healthiest looking that I have. Today is day 5 without eating which I know isn't a big prob in itself but I'm wondering if I should put him back in the big tank and try a different male in the breeder or treat him or wait some more. I tried adding 2 drops p/gal 30% HP on the 3rd day but it didn't help. The two tanks are not kept completely seperate since fish go back and forth between the two occasionaly so I doubt it's a matter of introducing him to a new bug of some sort. Any suggestions on how I should deal with this? Or possible causes?


01-15-2006, 09:10 PM
What strain was the Male that turned dark immediately?

01-15-2006, 09:16 PM
Some discus dont taking moving as well as other do.
I have one adult about 8 1/2" that when I move him from one tank to another one. It will take around 2 weeks before he becomes happy again.
I would just raise the temp up to around 89 to 90 for a couple days & stop feeding him with in the same time period. Then start feeding in small amounts till he starts to become less stress.
I beleive that moving him back would only cause more stress.
I also would use moving him back as a last resort.

Good luck!


01-15-2006, 10:01 PM
Sooooooo, Walter

It would be even worse if the tank he was moved to was in a completely different room?

Would it be even worth it to do such a move?


01-15-2006, 10:18 PM
He is a Leopardskin from Wayne Ng.
I hope you are right and it's just a matter of him getting settled into his new situation. I did turnup the heat a bit yesterday but I will try going even higher and stop offering food for a couple of days


01-15-2006, 10:19 PM
Marie please provide more info.
Like is the water coming from the same barrel (if it is coming from a barrel).
Are you using the same net in both tanks.
When you change water do you clean you hands before you put them in each tank.

By the way even if you are doing all this. It really does not matter as water evaporates into the air & mixes & then will settles back into the tanks.
That will cause any sickness to spead.
So for true quartine will need to completly stop the evaporation from happening. Not an easy thing to do.

So to answer your question It does not matter if he is going into a different room.


P.S. Mine was being moved from one room to another one.

01-17-2006, 11:00 AM
Hey Walter~

I do wash my hands before entering other tanks....but~

I was asking more in the realm of unecessary stress or upset, therefore instigating hex...I wouldnt want anyone to start trippin or freaking out simply cuz I wanted to mix everyone up a little, ya know? I have my new 55gal in our family room and the rest in my office. After the new ones from Dan are finished with qt, ( which I am not even sure how long..) , which I have had two weeks, tomorrow...I am thinking I might want to move some around~but not at any severe problems it may cause....

Mine are 8months old from Cary, and three months old from Dan, with 2months old babies from Cliff....approximately anyways.....I have never had any problems with any of them , except a baby did pass away yesterday from bloat...

Thanks Walter~http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_7_4.gif


01-17-2006, 11:42 AM
It really does not matter as water evaporates into the air & mixes & then will settles back into the tanks. That will cause any sickness to spead.
So for true quartine will need to completly stop the evaporation from happening. Not an easy thing to do.

from what i understand, the ONLY thing that evaporates is pure water. (distillation) no pathogens, no particulate, no bacteria, no salt, just pure H20 goes into the air when evaporation occurs. i stand to be corrected, but doubt it.

01-17-2006, 12:04 PM
Marie sorry to hear about your lost. I have lost one with the same problem before too.

If you do move your discus around I dont think it would be to much a problem.

I do move my discus around all the time when they are at young ages & never had a problem with moving them at young ages.
The one adult that has giving me problems with moving him. Is just with him none of the other adults seam to mind at all.

As long as you are sure the water is the same on all your tanks, I dont see a problem with moving them.
If this is your 1st time moving the discus around just do it slowly untill you get the feel for it.
The more experence you get with them the more confident you will become.

Timbo I will have to research back on some of my older pc's to find the article That I had read before about the the evaporation process.
As I recall (from memory)the pathogens do indeed evaporate.
I will try to get back as soon as time permits me.


01-17-2006, 12:11 PM
Thanks Walter!


01-17-2006, 06:32 PM
hi Walter:) in regards to evporation spreading diseases:

According to the WQA, when the water turns to vapor, everything except for the actual H20 is left behind. The distillation process removes contaminants, such as algae, viruses, cysts, bacteria, arsenic, benzene, chloride, chlorine, copper, fluoride, lead, mercury, nitrates, odors, pesticides, rust, salt and sulfates, providing consistently pure water.http://www.edcmag.com/CDA/Archives/0bd8916daa697010VgnVCM100000f932a8c0____

01-17-2006, 09:04 PM
Timbo that was good reading.
Now can you tell me if that is true, then why do we have acid rain?

01-18-2006, 12:44 AM
they are two different things, i will try to explain :)

acid in the atmosphere combines with waterdroplets (not water vapor) producing acidic ph rain. rain is a liquid

rain is not water vapor however, which is a gas. Rain is not evaporation (water vapor) from an infected aquarium, the evaporate from which, by definition, can contain no pathogens or particulates anyway.

also, acid (sulfides, etc) are already present in the air, water-bourn parasites, etc. are not. (they are not there through the process of evaporation anyway, from an infected aquarium or otherwise)

"Evaporation: the conversion of water from a liquid into a gas."

01-18-2006, 02:56 AM
Hey Marie... I just saw this post. If I were you, I would QT for 4 more weeks. The standard QT is 6 weeks. Then you take one of the fish (maybe a baby) and put it in with the new guys. If all is well in another 2 weeks, it's a go. There is a section here somewhere about QT. hth woman!

C!! :D

01-18-2006, 07:57 AM
Hi Kacey:

My LSS are pretty touchy compared to my other fish, they don't like change! Give him a few days, he will be back to normal without any treatement. Or you may have to move him back from where he came!
