View Full Version : New Sections Added

01-17-2006, 12:17 PM
Hello everyone,

We have added two new sections to the board: Discus Tankmates and Discus University.

Discus Tankmates is for any discussion about compatible species or suitable tankmates for discus. Please direct questions related to other species of fish to that section.

Discus University is the section that Al posted on before. This is where we will be judging fish and trying to help teach people what to look for in quality discus. This section is not currently open to public posting. We will explain this in further detail soon.

Other changes are coming in the next day or so. Eventually I will be posting an updated set of rules here. When you are asked to agree to them, PLEASE READ THEM CAREFULLY.


01-17-2006, 02:01 PM
How exciting Ryan!! http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/23/23_30_125.gif

I can not wait to get my fish critiqued. I so want to see what they see that I don't....hmm...does that make sense??....I think it will be very interesting!
