View Full Version : How do you keep the QT tank cycled?

01-17-2006, 02:34 PM
Just wondering how you folks keep your QT tanks going along. I have a 10 gallon that worked initially, it was a tank that was mothballed in storage, I filled it up with my main tank water, turned on the filter and heater, changed the water everyday so the cycling wouldn't be a major issue. It worked great. Now that I have no new fish in quarantine, the tank is sitting there running with no fish in it. I have a sickness issue now in my main tank, but I'll be treating that whole tank, so I don't need the quarantine. So should I keep the 10 gallon running, and keep it cycled with a couple of guppies? I was considering washing it out, and putting it back upside down on the rack to keep dust out, clean out all the accessories, and let it sit. What do you do with your QT tanks?

01-17-2006, 02:53 PM
Personally I would wash it out and put it away. I always keep a small bit of filter media running on my show tank that I can pull out and insert into my quarantine tank’s filter.

When I need to set up my quarantine tank all I do is add the cycled filter media along with filling the ten gallon tank with ½ old water from my existing show tank along with ½ from my aged water storage drum.

01-17-2006, 04:38 PM
I had a similar question that I posted a couple of days ago with some quick answers from the pros. See the link below:

I will go with Carol's suggestion of adding an extra sponge filter in my non-quarantine tanks and use it in the QT tanks when need so that I don't have to keep an empty QT tank running all the time. Just like you I don't intend to keep adding a lot of fish and therefore the QT tank will truely be an emergency/hospital tank.


01-17-2006, 05:08 PM
JimmyB, I keep my qt tank empty cleaned and sterilised. When need I fill with aged preheated water, plug the heater in and move a pre-cycled sponge filter from one of my other tanks. It is good practice imo to run an extra sponge in one or two larger tanks.

01-17-2006, 05:09 PM
I keep an extra sponge filter in my 55 gallon tank which I put in my 10 gallon when needed. It is the easiest way to do it so that when needed a cycled sponge is put into the QT. I usually have my QT tank cleaned and stored upside down just like you stated until needed. But it currently has tiger lotus growing in it LOL! I have decided that the 90 gallon tank I am getting will have some plants in it so I am growing out the lotus ;)