View Full Version : Anyone talk with Frank - Gold Mountain

Greg Richardson
01-18-2006, 12:03 AM
As some know Washington State has been hit hard with rain for quite some time.

Around 6 days ago I tried to contact Frank about a sweet free deal on fish bags but got answering machine and no return PM.

Tonight tried again. Same thing, answering machine.

If I remember correctly there was someone who lived not to far from him.

Maybe u could go check on him?

I'm just hoping no health issues or mud slides has happened to him.

If anyone knows either post here or PM me.

If he needs help Kaceyo and I will go up there and maybe some of you others around Seattle could join us.

Hopefully there is a reasonable explanation.

Unfortunately a lot of homes being wiped out daily by mud slides thus this post.

Gold Mt Discus
01-18-2006, 03:48 AM
Hey Greg,
Still floating. I have had my nose buried in the computer getting the start of the website up. Just got it published tonight.
I got your craigslist info about the bags, emailed and the guy said they were gone in a flash.
Between the website and the latest shipment, I have not been able to call or do much of anything else. Sorry.
Anyway, check out the web and let me know what you think so far.
Am taking suggestions for improvements too.

Greg Richardson
01-18-2006, 04:00 AM
Good to hear u ok Frank!