View Full Version : Discus help needed

01-22-2006, 10:57 AM
I'm new to this forum so hi there everyone.

I've just purchase 2 red turquois discus for my new 110 gallon tank and I noticed that one of them has a frontal fin that is motionless next to the body and is a little jagged on the edge. Only once in a while does he move that fin. The opposite fin is also a little jagged too but moving normally. Any suggestions? Will it get better over time?


01-22-2006, 11:23 AM
Welcome to simply. It is very difficult to say from what you have described here. The jagged edges on the fins is usually caused by something, if that has been rough handling and the damage isn't back to the bone then they will recover in good time. However if its due to some illness or parasite then that needs to be addressed.

Is the fish feeding and swimming normally? Have you tyested your water form ammonia, nitrite and ph??

Sorry for the further questions but the info is useful.


01-22-2006, 11:34 AM
Welcome to simply. It is very difficult to say from what you have described here. The jagged edges on the fins is usually caused by something, if that has been rough handling and the damage isn't back to the bone then they will recover in good time. However if its due to some illness or parasite then that needs to be addressed.

Is the fish feeding and swimming normally? Have you tyested your water form ammonia, nitrite and ph??

Sorry for the further questions but the info is useful.


I just purchased the fish yesterday. I noticed them picking on the plants, but the flake food I placed in the aquarium is either uninteresting or they just don't see it as it moves around and falls to the bottom.

I believe the are swimming normally they are staying in the corners a lot moving from one end of the tank to the other and once in a while they'll swim into the open.

The ph is neutral, ammonia is 0 as is the nitrite. This is a new tank that is still cycling.

01-22-2006, 12:17 PM
Hi and welcome to SimplyDiscus!:)

Sometimes theres damage done in transit that will cause a fishes fins to look a little ragged..If the damage is bad..They may hold the fins to the side.

Are there other discus in the tank that might be picking on the new ones fins?

Its possible that an infection is also the culprit such as fin rot... This will also happen with some parasites.. Aside from the fins...how does the rest of the fish look...any white patches...hazy or cloudy eyes?

Best advice at this point is lots of water changes and close observation. If its shipping related, you usually see improvement in a few days... watch for further erosion on the fins.

If possible, set up a hospitol/quarantine tank.


01-22-2006, 12:37 PM
Hi and welcome to SimplyDiscus!:)

Sometimes theres damage done in transit that will cause a fishes fins to look a little ragged..If the damage is bad..They may hold the fins to the side.

Are there other discus in the tank that might be picking on the new ones fins?

Its possible that an infection is also the culprit such as fin rot... This will also happen with some parasites.. Aside from the fins...how does the rest of the fish look...any white patches...hazy or cloudy eyes?

Best advice at this point is lots of water changes and close observation. If its shipping related, you usually see improvement in a few days... watch for further erosion on the fins.

If possible, set up a hospitol/quarantine tank.


Beside the fins being a little ragged and the one held to the body the rest of the fish looks fine. The dorsal fins are not damaged and stand out. The fish seems a little shyer the the other one and perhaps not as energetic, but that is slight. Since the fish are new I will continue to monitor them. The more active fish has started to slowly race after dried food which is a good sign. The oher one with the problem has not eaten yet and prefers the corners.

Question. There is lots of current in the tank form my filter and 2 power jets. Even little plants are swaying back and forth. Is this too much for Discus?


01-22-2006, 12:43 PM
From the plants point of view...yes if they are alive.. it'll blow off CO2...:) From the discus viewpoint...I don't think it matters much, some do think so,,, I go as far as dropping the level in the tank to maximize aeration from my aquaclear filters...

Generally Discus come from slower moving waters,,,but I think they adapt well to moderate currents.

one thing though... your powerheads...are they running an undergravel filter? if so... be careful...Those and discus do not go well together...


01-22-2006, 12:47 PM
From the plants point of view...yes if they are alive.. it'll blow off CO2...:) From the discus viewpoint...I don't think it matters much, some do think so,,, I go as far as dropping the level in the tank to maximize aeration from my aquaclear filters...

Generally Discus come from slower moving waters,,,but I think they adapt well to moderate currents.

one thing though... your powerheads...are they running an undergravel filter? if so... be careful...Those and discus do not go well together...


No undergravel filter, only for water movement. I'm just worried about that discus with the fin problem. I hope he is not struggling to keep still in moving water.

01-22-2006, 12:55 PM
I'd turn them off if they are not doing biological or mechanical work.


Greg Richardson
01-22-2006, 01:31 PM
If your tank isn't cycled yet I'd be doing twice daily wc's.

I'd replace the powerheads with sponges.

01-22-2006, 01:53 PM
What are powerheads and why do people use them?

Richie, Welcome to Simply! http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_7_8.gif

I hope your discus gets better...keep up with those wc!


01-22-2006, 03:40 PM
What are powerheads and why do people use them?

Marie, they are a water pump, used to create movement in a tank, sometimes put on top of the uplift of an undergravel filter.

I just purchased the fish yesterday. I noticed them picking on the plants, but the flake food I placed in the aquarium is either uninteresting or they just don't see it as it moves around and falls to the bottom.

I believe the are swimming normally they are staying in the corners a lot moving from one end of the tank to the other and once in a while they'll swim into the open.

The ph is neutral, ammonia is 0 as is the nitrite. This is a new tank that is still cycling.
This could be why the fish are not eating well, new tank still cycling. Do at least 50% w/c daily if you can preferably using aged preheated water. Try tempting them with a little frozen bloodworm!

Watch them closely for signs of distress or deterioration.

I agree with Al, turn one or both powerheads off for now.


01-22-2006, 07:10 PM
Well I'm happy to say that both fish are eating. Tonight I put in some Tetra Colour Bits and the one wih the damaged fin is going crazy after it. I find it strange that the one who was shyer and staying in the corner is the more active now. It almost seems if they changed roles!

I'll disconnect the power heads and see how they do.

Also I went to the petshop at checked out the tank I bought the fish and I see another with the fin stuck to the body. The Discus expert comes in tomorrow so I'll ask him what he thinks. I don't think it is a disease since the fish is so active now.

Thanks for your warm welcomes.

01-22-2006, 10:05 PM
Marie, they are a water pump, used to create movement in a tank, sometimes put on top of the uplift of an undergravel filter.

Thanks Paul~ ...'to create movement in a tank'.....and ...........why would one want to do that? I am sorry, Paul! lol!! umm....I have enough movement from my the flow from the filters....

Gotta ask, ya know? How am I ever going to know as much as you, Sir??

Rich~ I am so glad they are eating! Keep us posted!


01-22-2006, 10:56 PM
what I've been told is that the powerheads are used to circulate the water so that it is oxygenated. As for my setup I also have an Eheim 2028 canister filter so I will see if the return is enough to circulate the water.

question not related, but how do we get smiley faces in the body of the message?


01-23-2006, 07:00 AM
[QUOTE][question not related, but how do we get smiley faces in the body of the message?
First go to "user cp" upper left of this page
2. click on "edit options " left side of page , under "settings and options"
3. go to bottom of page under "misc. options"
4. click on "standard editor-extra formatting controls"
5. save changes
6. always use "post reply" not "quick reply"

I think that should do it, otherwise Ryan would know more than I :)


Glad your discus are ok:)

01-23-2006, 07:01 AM
Glad to hear the fish are responding, still just keep an eye on them, hopefully the damaged fin is transport related and will recover. And yes you are right about the movement, also some fishlike more current than others in the tank too. As for discus, well they really like things slow! (unless they spook then can they move quick!)

01-23-2006, 08:30 PM
well I'm happy to say the Discus are doing well and eating. The one that has a fin stuck to the body is the dominant fish of the two and is swimming quite actively. I called the pet store to talk to the Discus expert and he told me that if the fin doesn't get any better he will gladly replace the fish. He is active though and I am getting use to him. My girlfriend mentioned just like Nemo in the movie whose fin was little, it doesn't mean the fish needs to be replaced. I will wait a few days to see if it gets better, but I don't think it is fungus. We will see, stay tuned ....

01-23-2006, 08:37 PM
Discus will sometimes hold their pectoral fin to their sides when it's been bothering them. It may take a little time but your fish should start using it again once it's feeling better.


01-23-2006, 09:36 PM
Discus will sometimes hold their pectoral fin to their sides when it's been bothering them. It may take a little time but your fish should start using it again once it's feeling better.


It is nice to hear that. Issue aside boy is this fish aggressive towards the other during feeding time!

01-24-2006, 05:24 AM
I know you said in the original post you bought two discus, are these the only two discus?? If so thats why one is aggressive to the other! They do best in larger groups, spreads the aggression a bit. Most people seem to think 6 is about the right number, and I wouldn't argue with that! Of course in a 110g tank you can go beyond 6...

01-24-2006, 11:20 AM
I know you said in the original post you bought two discus, are these the only two discus?? If so thats why one is aggressive to the other! They do best in larger groups, spreads the aggression a bit. Most people seem to think 6 is about the right number, and I wouldn't argue with that! Of course in a 110g tank you can go beyond 6...

I agree with you, but being a new set up tank the discus guy at the pet store suggested I start with 2 for a couple of weeks to help cycle the water. At this point I don't think the subserviant discus is in trouble since aggression is only shown during feeding. They then seem to get along.

01-24-2006, 05:45 PM
I'm glad to report that the discus is doing better. He is batting his little fin and terrorizing his tank mate during feeding. Another indication it wasn't a disease.

01-24-2006, 06:34 PM
Thats good news.