View Full Version : Realistic Stocking Levels ?

Discus Dee
01-23-2006, 12:13 AM
Hey All,

I have a 67G/260L approx tank ... 48x18x18 in size to be exact. Im running a Eheim ProII 2028 (1050L/PH) canister on the tank which turns the tank over around 4 times per hour. I do 50-60% daily W/C's religously and was wondering what is a realistic stocking number of adult discus for such a set up ? I have read that 10G per adult is the norm, but have also read that 5G per adult is possible. Any opinions would be greatly appreciated as I'm planning on 8-10 adults at the end of the day ... so to speak ! I still want enough room for the adults to be happy and not crowded. Oh it's a BB tank !


Dee :)

01-23-2006, 12:25 AM
Water changes are the key to stocking density. You can pack them in if you change enough water EVERYDAY. When the adults start to pair off they can get territorial.

Greg Richardson
01-23-2006, 12:47 AM
Dee. All about the wc's.

If at all possible u can do 50% in morning and 50% at night imo u can pack it with more than what u want.

I think your 60% though will work fine.

01-23-2006, 03:01 AM
10 adults in a 70 is completely do-able....the main key is one you already stated...
I do 50-60% daily W/C's religously

"Religously" is the key....slip up a few times here, and a few times there.....and it wont take long to be in a world of hurt.


Discus Dee
01-23-2006, 03:34 AM
Hello Carol, Greg and Tony.

Thanks for the heads up guys, appreciate it ! Well looks like all will be fine if I keep up my daily WC's. Thanks again for your opinions :)

