View Full Version : Ever "pet" your discus?

01-23-2006, 10:23 PM
OK, not really pet in the normal sense of the word, but I was surprised that the large female of a pair in a 29 didn't shy away from my hand as I performed a water change tonight. She allowed me to touch her sides (gently, and only briefly; not wanting to remove the slime coat) and run my finger along superior aspect of the dorsal fin.

I've read of discus eating out of the hand, but allowing themselve to be approached like this? Funky experience. :noway:

White Worm
01-23-2006, 10:32 PM
Some of mine actually will rub against my hand while I am doing water changes. They look at me like......i'm not moving. Kenny....if you are listening.... the pair I have is very friendly when i am in their tank. They barely take notice and just kind of move over a little when I vacuum. sometimes i have to scoot them out of the way. They are more curious than scared. I pet the adult pair every time I am in their tank. Just a little pet on the upper fins. They dont care and I think they kinda enjoy interaction.

Kenny's Discus
01-23-2006, 11:03 PM
Yes Mike I'm listening lol and it's nice to see this kind of interaction between you and your discus. I believe it all depends on the individual fish as some are more shy/cautious while others are more brave/curious.


01-23-2006, 11:59 PM
My Pb's that I have will sometimes let me gently touch their sides, very briefly. It usually happens when they are eating out of my hand. Actually, lol... that is the only time! It is the neatest thing! They can still be really shy still though. :p Silly fish... you would think by now after eating out of my hand and letting me touch them that they wouldn't be shy anymore. :D


01-24-2006, 12:09 AM
I have pet my blue dimonds the love it when i feed them out of my had. then when i changed there water they zoom up to me and are like watch out for us. Mine are in my room. when the tank light tunrs on there sitting there weight for me to gte up once they see me move they swim all exstatic. I'm glad you got to feel yours hope you get more incounters.

01-24-2006, 12:32 AM
One of my 2 adults in the community tank is like that.

Whenever he sees me he gets excited and it looks like he's wagging his tail ...... lol.

Now my new juvies have certainly come along way in a couple weeks ... lol.

They eat out of my hand now and are like pirahnas eating a dead carcus .... lol.

And when i vac the bottom (which i do about 3 times a day) they come a running thinking they are being fed ............. and even nibble on my fingers ........ lol. They follow my hand and the vac all over the tank and actually get in the way ...... lol.

But they know they usually get theyre favorite bloodworms after a vac.

01-24-2006, 05:19 AM
If I put my hand in the tank they all come rushing over most of them will feed from my hand you can touch them as well.

01-24-2006, 07:57 AM
Architect-I used to have one tank in my room and mine did the same thing-as soon as they saw me move they'd stare at me until I got up and fed them. They were good at working the guilt on weekends LOL.

Some of mine eat out of my hands and some let me touch them. The snakeskin in particular seeks attention and will even rest in the palm of my hand.

It's pretty cool.


01-24-2006, 10:26 AM
I had a male Blue Diamond that would allow me to pick him up and move him from tank to tank by hand...

It's easy to train them to take food from your hand try it and see...


01-24-2006, 05:43 PM
I have been told its a turn off and its so creapy by girls around 20 age. I realized there laking alot in there life to say that. Its not only there so beautiful as a fish, its also how smart and social they are that makes me piffer the fish on a dialy basses then some ckick that thinks shes better then them. I only wish there where alot of women that are as much as I am into discus. Buy the looks of it I will have my fish longer then women. I'm amazed at how many people have replied to this form about discus tuching, and eating. Its amazing 1 anamil can be so friendly other thena dog or cat.

01-24-2006, 06:43 PM
Pet? No, not really. Have not even thought of it actually. When wiping my tanks, I usually have to push them out of the way to continue wiping. Does that count? :D

01-25-2006, 10:45 PM
Yes, I can actually say that I dopet my discus. When I put my hand in their tank they come up and lay in my hand or rub against me until I take notice and actually pet their sides. I can pick them up out of the tank this way also.Very little stress when moving them.

A lot of my discus -when I first got them were in very bad shape due to a long shipping day well almost 2 days inthe bag. I would help them swim along in the tank to get oxygen flowing through their gills. I guess they still like the feeling of being touched.

I have 24 adult discus and all but 3 like to be touched in some way. The other 3 will have nothing to do with it.

Not sure if it is actually good for them to be touched or not though.

01-26-2006, 04:42 AM
I don't pet mine as such, some 'get in the way' when cleaning or pruning plants, I've got to be real careful I don't give them a hair cut too!, When wiping the glass they someimes nudge me.

Debbie, I don't think it does any harm at all.


01-26-2006, 02:12 PM
Sometimes at feeding time, right before I put the food in their tank, I will dangle my hand in their tank. A few swim away and a few will swim right up to my hand. I have 11 various strains in my tank, but it seems that my blue diamond is the most tame, he lets me touch him the most. I can pet a few of the others a little, too. I can't believe how smooth and silky they feel...I love it!!!!:D


White Worm
01-26-2006, 02:23 PM
wc last night.....romeo didnt care for the pet but my ocean green juliet was letting me play with her tail fin and her upper fins. She kinda likes it i think.

01-26-2006, 03:23 PM
I love how smart they are. the sensation of beng able to pet them and they like it is awsome. Its also gradifying and rewording that they trust you that much.