View Full Version : Hiding

01-27-2006, 12:59 PM
Mine are hidding and they only come out when no ones in the room. Is it ok to take the slate Out of the tank so they have no where to hid. is it better so that they get usto me there 7 days old. What should I do please help asap.

01-27-2006, 05:26 PM
Do daily water changes. Temp should be 84. Are they eating? If yes, feed a little everytime you come to the tank. Soon they will equate you with food and run to meet you. Pull the slate if you want.

01-27-2006, 05:27 PM
i plaster my ugly mug up against the glass when i'm about to feed...they catch on pretty quick when it comes to food. they are probably still associating your presence with stress (ie -moving, netting, etc.) but when they start to associate you with food (a good thing to them) they will come running, if all other parameters are good. (and i assume they are older than seven days old, as your post says!)

*edit*(carol beat me too it by one minute, jeez ya gotta be quick around here:))

01-27-2006, 05:31 PM
They got some cuts on them from the slate. right now there out and swimming around but still a little gun shy when i move to the tank. They do eat but I'm trying to get them to eat stuff other then blood worm. Its not working. I ment 7 days in my tank old there about 2 to 2.5 inches.

01-27-2006, 05:39 PM
the sharpest thing i have in my tanks is driftwood because when they panic (and they will from time to time) they dash so fast that they can and will run into things that will cause some damage.

be patient with them and they will learn to associate you with good stuff...like eating. It may take a week or two, depending on how much else you do around the tank that is NOT food related.

01-27-2006, 05:49 PM
There all in my room the 2 tanks. with 19 disucs, 10 simes algee eaters, 8 Cardnals and 2 dwarf guramies. Thats in both tanks. Oh and 1 yellow pleco.

01-27-2006, 05:50 PM
Do like Carol said, give them a little bit of food when you walk up to the tank. You might also try leaving the light on and see if that helps. Do you have alot of traffice that goes in front of the tank? Is your tank painted? Sides, back and bottom? How many do you have in the tank?

01-27-2006, 05:57 PM
I have 112 gallon tank beside my bed. I have 13 discus 6 blue dimonds, 7 blue turqs, and 6 simes algee eaters. I have a huge swordplant on my side. I have a back drop thats dark ocean. The sides are not coverd. My 55 gallon is not coverd any where. they have no prob. I'm the only one that comes in the room.

since I taken the slate out and fed them there more colorfull and not black.

01-27-2006, 09:43 PM
Ok is it me or is it my fish? I was sitting and watching TV on the side of the tank . The little guys came wondering accrost for some un know reason. Then I look and there swimming and watching me with interest. Looked like they where smiling that evel smile of curiousity.
Mean while if I try and feed them they will most likly run and Hide.

01-27-2006, 10:14 PM
yeah they are looking at the human in the cubical..called a room. lol. they probably are saying..shhhhh . dont move..too sudden..or he will get scared and get up..
the fish who were the friendliest for me and grew the fastest were always the tank by my puter. as everytime they came up..i gave them a tiny pinch of food. onf1. they would beg every few minutes.

01-27-2006, 10:19 PM
They are vary clever fish I noticed mine are now picking at the food and there not hiding as much. I'm moving vary slowly in my room so I don't spook them to much.

01-31-2006, 10:14 PM
My discus finally are not hiding as much when they get spooked they come stright to the food when i drop it in. There coolor is comming out also they are eating color bits. i don't know how many of them really are eating colorbits But they where all full last night. I'm thinking of putting the sleight in the tank again.

02-01-2006, 04:51 PM
Way to go! You are on the right track now. It is never fun when they hide all the time and you can't enjoy them.

02-16-2006, 02:06 PM
How do you get your discus to stop being black. I have had them for a month now and some are still vary black and small. Is it worms or what. I hate seeing them so black.