View Full Version : What's With All Fuzz??

01-28-2006, 09:23 PM
Hey all my new 70 gallon is about 2 weeks old now and was cycled with the solution "cycle" and I used old filters so the tank was ready to go in 48 hours. I put all my fish in the tank after 48 hours and put in my plants and all. My tank has a seachem flourite substrate and has 1 piece of mopani wood and one piece of driftwood. It houses 5x 2.5" discus, 3 cories, 4 neons and 1 otto. It has like three peices of java fern and about 5 amazon sword plants. My lights are FC and are on exactly 12 hours a day for my plants. My water parems are perfect PH:7.0, Ammonia:0, Nitrite:0, Nitrate:10 and temperature is about 84 or 85. The last few days I have noticed on the entire tank glass there is a white fuzz growing. The glass is covered with it. I had a similar fuzz on my mopani wood which is still on the wood but nothing ever on the glass. Anyone know what it is, how I should get rid of it and how to prevent it??? also another question I have is about feeding. I have been feeding my dicuss frozen hikari bloodworms like crazy. they eat like 2 full ice cubes everyday plus some brine shrimp and flake between meals. I wanted to know is the hikari freeze dried bloodworms good??? or are the frozen better???

01-28-2006, 09:35 PM
Frozen bloodworms are better. Sounds like fungus growing on everything. You need to pull the wood and boil it.

01-28-2006, 09:42 PM
The fuzz you see, if it is white to off-white in color, is most likely the bacterial bloom that all new tanks go through during the cycling period. I know you are using some old filters to cycle, but the bacterial bloom is inevitable in new tanks since 2 weeks is still not good enough to call a tank fully cycled. Continue with your water changes and the fuzz should go away. I have had that stuff in all of my tanks, including the QT, but I didn't worry too much about it. It does cover literally everything in your tank.

Wipe down the glass, the heater, air tubing etc. when you do the w/c. It helps minimize the bloom to some extent.

As for the bloodworms, I feed mine both frozen and freeze-dried. I also feed them a mix of flake food and tetrabits couple days a week. The discus, as you may have learnt from the numerous threads here, absolutely love frozen bloodworms in general and would rather prefer that. But I firmly believe, like most others here, that you need to get them used to different types of food. Freeze-dried bloodworms is also easier to feed if you put them in a feeding ring since they float. I add a little bit of flake food in the ring with the freeze-dried worms so that they eat both at the same time without being picky.

(or pay attention to what Carol says since I am still a novice at this :D (she beat me by a few second with her post)

01-29-2006, 08:51 AM
I agree, the tank is not cycled yet. even with "cycle" i found it takes longer than 2 wks. however your old filter should help, but may have to catch up with that many fish?? and new tank

keep monitoring ammonia and nitrite daily.
do daily wc's 50% stable ph, water.
wipe sides tank with paper towel often.
