View Full Version : Comming out of closet or stay in there

01-31-2006, 02:45 PM
I've set up breeding tank in one of my closets.This way discus dont get to see anybody whole day except feeding time.Do they need natural light to span?Second question is on kh,my tap is naturaly low on kh and ph acording to PH digital tester gets down to 5.3(usually around 5.8)is ph stable good practise for fixing kh in breeder tanks?Thank you all .

01-31-2006, 03:33 PM
They may like the privacy, but when you have eggs you should always have some light on the tank so the parents can keep track of them. You could remove the tank form the closet and cover 3 sides of the tank. This would give them the same privacy and not startle them when you pass by (as may be the case when you open the closet).

Greg Richardson
01-31-2006, 07:11 PM
My breeding tank is within arms link of me right now at this computer.
They are able to see other discus in other tanks also.
All my tanks except for livingroom tank are painted 3 sides.
Livingroom tank they are able to look through my masterbedroom door and see me which they love to do the greedy pigs!

My point is discus will adapt to you and your stereo and your TV and your kids and, and ,and, etc.

Once I learned that my discus hobby has been much more enjoyable and my discus realizing nosie happens are happier.

I bang on the tank when I feed. Noise becomes good.
Very basic psychology 101 that I wish I had started long ago.

I have a spawn right now in the tank less than arms length from me.

01-31-2006, 07:28 PM
I only paint the backs of tanks and sometimes the bottoms. I'm not overly quiet either, even play my electric guitar in the room with my fish tanks! All I can say is every ones (discus that is) a critic!!

I agree with Greg they adapt to your way of doing things.

In respect of your PH, yup stable is best, though you are lucky to have soft water. Try some re-mineralising salts like Sera Mineral salts or R/O Right. Some people use sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) but I've never tried it.
