View Full Version : Amquel and Algae

02-04-2006, 09:27 PM
Hello all,

I have two problems I need help with:

I recently purchased Amquel plus for my water changes (I change straight for the tap. I've always used Amquel without any problems, but the 'plus' also removes nitrate and nitrite. Upon using it for the first time, the fish were not looking good after and hour and one was laying on its side on the bottom. This was in a 55 gallon bare bottom grow out tank..the fish were fairly mature...about 4-5 inches at 5 months old. Any ideas what happened? Like I said, I 'd add regular Amquel without any problems during water changes (40 percent every couple of days).

Luckily, I had my planted 120 gallon tank nearby and I transferred all of them without losing any.

My other issue is with the 120 gallon planted tank...every week it develops a faily good layer of algae on the glass, leaves, bottom...some green some black which all require scrubbing. It didn't use to be this bad and I haven't changed anything. The obvious answer in that the nitrate is too high, right? But this does not seem to be the case ( I do 60% water chages once a week). Also, I'm over filtering, if anything: 2 Aquaclear 500s (nothing but sponges inside) and 2 eHeim 2217s. temp is about 85.

If anyone has any thoughts or ideas on either subject, they would be very much appreciated.



02-04-2006, 09:58 PM
Hi Bob,
I would get a good test kit for nitrates and check it in the 120.
As far as what happened, I don't know but it was either something wrong with the water or the amquel?
Is the amquel + cloudy? I believe if its cloudy its expired or no good.
The other thing is maybe the ph was very different from the tap that day??
just thoughts.
I would also get a ph tester or kit and keep an eye on that. Rainy season can fluctuate ph depending on the water source.

Check ph for stability. test at tap. then let water sit in a bucket overnight with an airstone, retest, if great change = unstable and not good for fish.


02-04-2006, 10:06 PM
Wowsers! Never had a problem with amquel but, sounds like it didn't do its job. As far as your algae, combat with pleco's or turn down the lights. There's a point where to much new water is an algae breeding ground. Thats my.02

02-04-2006, 11:49 PM
I've not had a problem using Amquel+


02-07-2006, 04:26 PM
My solution to too much algae - plant more plants - especially fast growing stem plants - they'll out complete the algae (instead of the other way around)!

02-07-2006, 07:27 PM
I suspect that the nutrient / light / trace has gotten out of balance. If the nitrates are being removed then this is why algae will be coming. You need to test the tank for nitrates and phosphates. IME it is usually phosphates or lack of micro nutrients before nitrate being the prob.
