View Full Version : Quarantine time up - what to look for?

02-07-2006, 12:50 PM
Over the holidays I upsized from a 32 gallon (which is now my qt tank)
to a 110 gallons - my 3 original discus are there with their original tank mates - 4 cories, 4 clown loaches some rummynose tetras - and I added
some harlequin rasboras and pearl gouramis - it's a planted tank and all are doing very well - no problems (we moved them Dec 24th)

I've had two spotted eruptions (from Bob at Upper Canada Discus)
in the QT for 4 weeks - I did a Maroxy treatment and have been adding
salt (after 2 weeks they were still breathing quite rapidly) which worked
quite well - I've also done a liquid prazi-pro treatment and saw no worms.

I want to move them to the bigger tank this week - what should I expect in
terms of behaviour - it seems to me it takes about 3 weeks for them to find their pecking order.

Any advice, recommendation are welcome - this is the first time I've done this. I'd like to get 4 more discus for the QT tank next - I probably should have gotten all 6 at one time but I didn't realize this at the time! (live and learn)

02-07-2006, 01:07 PM
Hi Suzanne,

The pecking order is already established in your larger tank so I'd expect at least some aggression.

You can move things around before adding the new fish to mess up their territories. This can help your new fish to fit in easier.

If you have any concerns about disease, you can add a fish to your QT tank with the eruptions for a couple of days to see if it gets sick prior to exposing the rest of your community tank to your new fish.

Post some pics when you get chance. :)


02-07-2006, 01:24 PM
I tend to add the fish just before lights out.


White Worm
02-07-2006, 01:31 PM
Good idea Paul....so.....they just wake up and find that they have some new tank mates huh? Pretty cool.

Congrats on the upgrade Suzanne! Pics, Pics, Pics.....Oh did we tell you we like to see picks? 10-12 Discus would look fantastic in your tank. It seems that discus are happier and less aggressive when they are in larger groups. Pecking order will be re-established each time you add new friends so expect some aggression...plus...when they get near breeding age, aggression starts over who gets who. Good thing though...you have a big enough tank for them to have their own space.

02-09-2006, 02:14 PM
pictures are in the photo gallery - thanks for your help -