View Full Version : burned, split fins on juveniles

02-10-2006, 10:19 PM
I'm totally new to this hobby. I just brought some juvenile discus 3 days ago and my tank has not finished cycling. Today I notice black marks on the tip of their fins looks like a burn :( . The fins are split and ragged. My NH3 is 1ppm, No2 is 0.5ppm, pH is 7.2 and temp is 86oF. I'm doing 90 WC everyday. Is this because of my water? Will the burn go away? I'm thinking of doing salt treatment w 1tbsp/gal, is it OK?:confused:
Thanks in advance for the help

02-10-2006, 10:24 PM
Are the fish alone in the tank?

Usually torn fins and burns will go away pretty quickly. Keep doing the w/c until your tank is cycled and a little salt wouldn't hurt (though I don't know if it will help). Raise your heat a little. Usually I just keep my newcomers warm and give them clean water, and the fins heal in a matter of days (if not too severe) on their own.


02-10-2006, 10:33 PM
Thanks Ryan.
There are only 2 of the in the tank. Is 1tbsp/gal of salt is OK? I have seen people recommend anywhere from 1tbsp/gal to 1tbsp/10gal so I'm confuse on the dose.

02-10-2006, 10:50 PM
I always use 1 Tbsp/10 gallons. You can go up to 1 Tbsp/1 gallon but I've never tried it.


02-10-2006, 10:58 PM
Keep doing your water changes, making sure your source water is good (ie. no ammonia, nitrate,nitrite,chlorine..etc).. preferably age your water and make sure the heat is close to the same temp as the tank water.

If you can pickup some biro spira or seachem stability that may help the filter establish a bit quicker. Add Prime or a similar product that will neutralize the impurities in the water in the interim.

keep good aeration to maintain oxigenation too ..


02-11-2006, 05:58 AM
Salt at 1 or 2 tblspn per 10 gall is always recommended when NO2 is present as it mitigates the effects of the NO2 so for that reason alone I'd add salt. Salt can also inhibit the gowth of fungus and help to keep any damaged areas clean until they heal.


02-11-2006, 09:52 AM
It sounds like the fin rot mine had recently. Salt and good water conditions will help. Good luck!!