View Full Version : WAY cool!!! :D

02-17-2006, 08:36 AM
So yesterday my husband took me over to one of the three fish stores we have near us and told me he wanted to buy me 3 discus for our anniversary. I told him I'd check them out and see how they looked. This particular store has this huge reef/pond set up in the front of the store after you walk inside. They've got black tip reef sharks, eels, remoras and all kinds of stuff in there. At night they do a "Feeding" and invite all the customers up to watch. Well this particular night.. A representative from Disney Radio Live was there and they were doing a raffle/giveaway for any children that came up to watch.

I knew that I'd be staring at the discus for a while so I told hubby to take our daughters up there. Well I went up to ask him a question and he handed me the tickets because he couldn't hear the numbers she was calling out over the kids.

So I listen and guess what we won!!! Four tickets to the Harlem Globetrotters!!!!! How cool is that! We probably wont have to have a ticket for the baby so we invited my brother in law.

What a cool night! Three new discus and free tickets the globetrotters! :D

02-17-2006, 10:41 AM
So yesterday my husband took me over to one of the three fish stores we have near us and told me he wanted to buy me 3 discus for our anniversary. I told him I'd check them out and see how they looked. This particular store has this huge reef/pond set up in the front of the store after you walk inside. They've got black tip reef sharks, eels, remoras and all kinds of stuff in there. At night they do a "Feeding" and invite all the customers up to watch. Well this particular night.. A representative from Disney Radio Live was there and they were doing a raffle/giveaway for any children that came up to watch.

I knew that I'd be staring at the discus for a while so I told hubby to take our daughters up there. Well I went up to ask him a question and he handed me the tickets because he couldn't hear the numbers she was calling out over the kids.

So I listen and guess what we won!!! Four tickets to the Harlem Globetrotters!!!!! How cool is that! We probably wont have to have a ticket for the baby so we invited my brother in law.

What a cool night! Three new discus and free tickets the globetrotters! :D

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce2: :bounce2: :drummer: :santa:
WHOA!!!!! Amber how kewl is that????? that's almost like Chritmas all over again...LOL...soooooooo what strains of Discus did you get?????..and how come there's no PICS up yet...lmao...congrats on the win and the Hg tickets!!

02-17-2006, 10:50 AM
Congrats, Amber!!!:D :D :D A night out, it'll be fun.

Ummmm.... you never said what discus you got, if any? So, whatcha get? You know we are all waiting for info and pics.

02-17-2006, 11:16 AM
lol.. I got 3. One is a snow white and the other two I'm not exactly sure. Think one is a pb but I'm sure you guys can tell me better. I guess I was afraid because I know how some of you feel about lfs discus. They looked good tho and I think they are adorable. They are also babies. They aren't in the community tank. I put them in the 55 by themselves. The spawning pair had been removed to the community tank again a few days ago. When the 3 babies get big enough.. they'll go in the community too. They are pretty tiny. I'll go get some shots.

02-17-2006, 11:28 AM
I had wanted to wait until I got some really good shots to post any, but since your insisting here are some from last night. This morning they are hiding behind the sponge and theres no way I can get shots so you'll have to live with these for now:

This first one I thought had a really cool pattern on him and got him because I wanted to see what that turns into.
And the one behind him.. I couldn't get a clear shot but you can kinda see him back there.
snow white (my daughters favorite.. she named her Dorothy lol)