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View Full Version : some fish other than discus

02-19-2006, 08:42 PM
ok i sat there the other day and i felt that the 55 was a little to blane for my taste. i was woundering if i could have a couple pairs of rams, cardinal tetras, cories of some kinda, lemon tetras, black tetras, clown loaches, or change to a sand bed and have a couple rays , rams, my discus of course, and some cardinals woould any of these ideas be ok?:bandana: :) :D


02-19-2006, 09:12 PM
Rams and cards are good, loaches can get a bit big and out compete the discus for food. And be careful with some tetras, they can be fin nippers, thus steer clear of black tetras.

I have a 55 with 4 discus, 12 cards, 1 zebra danio (leftover from another tank), and 4 sterbae corys. I put some pool filter sand (off-white) and 2 pieces of driftwood, and some silk plants and I have no complaints. It's also easy to clean.

02-19-2006, 09:42 PM
do you do water changes often?

02-20-2006, 10:46 AM
comon ppl i need feed back i would like to have a couple rays in there