View Full Version : $15Million Each! What Would You Do?

02-23-2006, 12:19 PM
S000000000........the biggest Lottery Jackpot was collected...I guess there were 8 people involved and they will each get $15Mil, after taxes!http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_2_50.gif

Could you imagine?? What would YOU do with all that money?http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/7/7_15_13.gif Experts say you should sit on it for six months and do nothing....

Let it all soak in~

02-23-2006, 12:56 PM
thats crazy thought it goes from 22.1 mill before taxes down to 15. thats 6 mil GONE from tax. still plenty enough to get by on.

i dont think id go crazy with it though. finsih school, pay off my debt to my parents, prolley buy them a truck and boat, and just go have casual fun with the rest of it. i would still go find a job and work cause i would be too bored if i had nothing to do to make money.

02-23-2006, 12:58 PM
I'd buy a hatchery over seas and transport it back here LOL!!:)


White Worm
02-23-2006, 01:33 PM
Nice Al....I would just build the biggest and most high tech one here in the states and put everyone out of business, lol. j/k. I would prolly just give all you guys nice discus. I would just have to pipe their water back here though. It seems they dont have as many water problems that we do. I guess its because we add so much chemicals which is not very healthy for fish. :mad: I wouldnt work if i had that much money, i would just sit around and look at my huge collection of discus and watch my workers do all the water changes or at least monitor the automatic systems.

02-23-2006, 01:47 PM
Hmmm...I'd prolly buy a house closer to the 7-11 so I wouldn't have so far to walk to work...


02-23-2006, 02:27 PM
I'd pay off my parents' and grandparents' bills and then build myself a nice house and get a nice car. Nothing extravagant. I'll be taking a few years off to work on my fish hobby full-time though :) I'm sure I can have a nice automated hatchery attached to the new house.

Then maybe we can all get together and go on an Amazon collecting trip next season :)


02-23-2006, 03:05 PM
I would buy a house. I am so sick of someone else telling me what I can and cant have. I want my own damn house. The rest would go into college funds for the girls and a retirement fund.. I'm sure my husband would sneak some out for his car too lol

02-23-2006, 03:29 PM
Can we say Di$cu$? :D

02-23-2006, 05:08 PM
Himmmmm I guess i would pay off a lot of my familys bills...give some to each kid so it would be easier for them down the road....tell the bride she only has 5 more yrs to work,not 10..yea,like that would happen LOL...set up trust funds for the grandkids ..and with the left over just sit back and travel when and where we want ..Oh maybe a few more old cars.
I have enough tanks and fish,but there might be room for one more LOL


02-23-2006, 05:48 PM
They interviewed one of the winners and played on the radio over her. They asked him will he be going back to work. I loved his answer....

No, been retired 3 days!

Lucky so and so.


Doug A
02-23-2006, 07:51 PM
OOOHHHHH the dreams!!!!

First pay off all my bills. Then I would build a nice log home in the country with a BIG fish room filled with discus.:D Give my mom, brother and sisters and my wife's family a bunch of money. Make a big donation to simplydiscus.com. Buy myself a brand new fully loaded PU truck and a top of the line Bass boat and a whole bunch of other toys. Invest a bunch of the $$ and live off the interest. Maybe build myself a hot rod or restore a classic car like a 57 Chevy.

Now thats just with 15 mil. The Mega Millions jackpot is up to 203 Mil. Not sure how much you would get after taxes, but it would be a $hit load. With 100+ mil. I would do the same as above plus start some type of company and hire homeless people (especially homeless families with children) to get them back on their feet. Buy an apartment building to give them a place to live for free until they are up and running. I've thought (dreamed) about winning the lottery and doing all this for a LOOOOONNNNNGGGG time. I got 5 tickets today for tomorrow nights drawing. Wish me luck. :)


II j L c II
02-23-2006, 08:20 PM
Hmm... how about 2000g built in tank filled with the most extravagant dicus out there! I'll need a wetsuit with that to swim and feed them in the tank as well ;). Ahh Marie, posts like these make me dream too much haha.


02-23-2006, 08:32 PM
Well, 2 guys and myself at work bought tickets.....I dreamed of many discus and many fish tanks, no working, on SImply whenever I wanted....LOL
new fishing boat...big, so I didn't have to worry about the waves....
and then they drew the numbers. Didn't even win back a buck:D
Oh well, I'd go with Ryan on that trip to the Amazon if he wins:D


02-24-2006, 12:02 AM
Having spent the last 3 months in Gulfport Mississippi and Mexico. I have no idea. There's need all over! Where do you begin (besides making sure your folks and you and your wife never have to work a day in your life)?

02-24-2006, 03:30 AM
hmmmm, 15 million. First, i would donate alot of it to family, church and other worthy charities. No, seriously, i would. Then i would have a custom house built overlooking the ocean over here on the west coast, with a huge fish room. And best of all, i would hire a full time employee to do all my water changes.....I would probably start up a salmon fishing charter business, as that has always been my dream job.

02-24-2006, 05:58 AM
Ok so I would like to mention that All You People Intending to Build Custom house and Hatcheries.......

I am an architect, I can do ya plans... LOL for a price ofcourse..

If I won the lotto heres what I'd do...

I'd invest in real estate in europe.. good money to be made..

i'd take up funding GREENPEACE and WWF.. ( uh not the wrestlers)

Then I'm thinkin a big *** party with chicks and booze......... LMAO

II j L c II
02-24-2006, 10:48 AM
I second that last notion!


02-24-2006, 11:06 AM
Count this girl in!

Wait!! Not Chics!! Hell NO!! Guys....


02-24-2006, 01:49 PM
I'd settle for 15 bucks right now! :o LMAO
hmmmmm right after I paid my bills and bought me another house.. nothing fancy just something with a )(* SPRINKLER SYSTEM would work.:mad: Maybe I would build a huge house and move Marie in, she could have the west wing with all the Discus... April wouldn't move away from her comfort zone.. I dunno tho...I hear MONEY TALKS! ;) SO she might move into the East wing....
Maybe I could cut back at my job and only work 10 days in a row.... I do know I would still and always just hang out in my Eeyore or Sponge bob jammies!:D That aint ever gonna change! LOL
That move closer to the 7-11 post WAS HILARIOUS! I ROTFLMAO
What was the Question??....... LOL

02-24-2006, 04:24 PM
15 bucks.... LMAO that sa good one.. I could use 15 too lol...

Marie, a party full of guys just doesnt cut the mustard... I wanna big *** boat with a cool *** party.. Good music.. girls... Lots of nice beer. ( paul is surely nodding his head in recognition)

And a nice cigar to show i am the guy with the green stuff.. LOL

Ok that will make a nice dream before I hit the sack tonight.. only to wake up to my lil appartment.. LOL

oh well if you don't dream, you might as well be dead.. LOL

02-24-2006, 04:30 PM
15 bucks.... LMAO that sa good one.. I could use 15 too lol...

Marie, a party full of guys just doesnt cut the mustard... I wanna big *** boat with a cool *** party.. Good music.. girls... Lots of nice beer. ( paul is surely nodding his head in recognition)

And a nice cigar to show i am the guy with the green stuff.. LOL

Ok that will make a nice dream before I hit the sack tonight.. only to wake up to my lil appartment.. LOL

oh well if you don't dream, you might as well be dead.. LOL

Yup I'm nodding!!

02-24-2006, 05:00 PM
:noway: 15 mil
thats alot of discus