View Full Version : Long Time Hobbyist Never Had Discus

02-26-2006, 08:49 PM
:confused: Perhaps someone could direct me to someone in the S.F. Bay Area who could inform me if I should take the leap with the King of the Hobby or provide needed advice.

I have a heavily planted high tech (neptune controller, co2 fert., wet/dry bio filter, nu-clear 30 micron canister filter and uv sterilization) 180 g. with community fish including a pair of mated albino angels and 2 pairs of bolivian rams. They spawn regularly with the lunar light system. Other large fish include 5 congo tetras, 3 red line sharks and assorted smaller fish/bottom cleaners including some nice killis.

I do 30% weekly changes and maintain the tank at:

78.3 F
6.82 to 6.87 ph (maintained by CO2)
5 dh & kh
nitrates avg. 20ppm with good nitorgen cycle
dose daily with black water, iron, seachem excel and trace iodine for the invertebrates.
Lighting is 3.2 watts cf.

Given these conditions what would I have to change to successfully keep adult discus. I am afraid going to mid 80 temps will do away with the majority of plants and more frequent water changes or more than twice a day feedings won't work for my schedule.

Any advice appreciated.

02-26-2006, 08:53 PM
It's my personal opinion, but I wouldn't keep adult discus any lower than about 82F. I don't know if high 70s is a good idea for extended periods of time. Also, the mated pair of angels might be a no-no because they can be rather aggressive during spawning. It is a fairly large tank so that might be the only thing that saves them from the aggressive angels.

But the temp is probably the biggest concern...


02-26-2006, 09:02 PM
Hi there,

Welcome to Simply!

There is a multitude of people in the Bay area for you to contact. I'd start with Cliff Young who goes by cliffdiscus here.

It's always wise for people new to Discus to start out barebottom and work toward having a planted tank. This will eliminate more problems than what can be described here in one post.

You're going to want to keep your water at a very minimum of 82-83 degrees. 84-85 is better IMO. Ideal nitrates are <10 ppm

Black water and other "Discus extracts" are a waste of money IMO. Your money is better spent on quality stock and good food to get them big and healthy.

Again, I'd start a new BB tank with only a sponge filter, a hang on the back power filter, and a heater if you are just learning to keep Discus. You will thank me later for this piece of advice. :)

Discus are the most spectacular fish you can keep in an aquarium IMO and they aren't difficult to keep. But they know what they like and what they like is clean, stable water and lots of good food.


02-26-2006, 09:11 PM
Thanx Ryan. Don't know if I can talk the spouse into another tank, but thank you for the sage advice.