View Full Version : Help with Nitrites

03-09-2006, 02:09 PM
I just cant get rid of my nitrites. Ammonia = 0, Nitrites = very near 5.0, Nitrates = almost 0. Does this mean that my tank is not fully cycled, the Eheim 2026 has been setup along with the tank and 10 Neons for 3 weeks, plus I started Cycle to help it 4 days before the fish were added. Also it is planted. Would it be ok to add some Amquel + until the Nitrites go to zero. Any advice would be great.

Also I have my PH at 7.1 with a mix of 75% RO, 25% Tap, and some Seachem Discus Buffer. GH 5, KH 4, temp. 84. Do you all think this will be ok for my discus?

I think that Discus could very well become the number one cause of divorce!

03-09-2006, 02:30 PM
If your tank has been going less than three weeks, given the way you are cycling it, I'd expect high nitrites. I'd do a 75% water change at this point. I'm pretty surprised your tetras are still alive. Are the tetras the source of the ammonia and ultimately, the nitrites. Cycle is worthless for ammonia and nitrite converting bacteria. It only has bacteria that will break down food and waste TO ammonia, nothing to take it past that.

If you want to speed things up, buy some biospira. If you do, change the water to get nitrites down to either unmeasureable, or nearly, before you add the biospira. Add as directed, and if your tetras are still alive, your tank should be cycled in less than a week. Save some of the biospira to add when you get your Discus, or you'll have another cycle when you add them.