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03-11-2006, 06:17 AM
hello all, i have set up my 220L to hold discus (they are in a 60L growing out, only 3cm at the mo). ive set it up for a more 'amazon' look. it will be quite heavily planted. the dimensions are 122Lx38Wx47ZH (cm).

the permanent stocking will be 1 bristlenose, 4 corydora, 2 khuli loaches, 10-15 rummynose tetras, 4-6 gold rams (these will be used as breeders so will often have their own tanks so maybe 4 in their permanent max). NOW the big question- how many discus :p i know the 40L rule, 5 would be ok with the others? or would 6 be better but just a little over stocked? i keep up on my water changes 20-30% so every 2-3 days. obviously i want to hold as much as i can so they feel more comfortable without having to go insane with maintenance.

thanks to all in advance :)

03-11-2006, 07:09 AM

I run both planted and bb tanks, stocking levels in planted tanks should be lower than in bb tanks, many reasons amongst them the often reduced water changes on planted tanks, and the substrate traps food bits etc..

If you are disciplined with water changes, do them regularly and get as much crud up as possible each time then 6 will work ok, make sure you bio filter is in top nick, if anything over rate it as you can't over filter. 5 would give you a slightly bigger margin for error, but I don't think it would matter that much, maybe a day max extra between changes on occaision.

I'd also be tempted to stock it with adult fish first up as growing out discus in a planted tank is to say the least challenging!

The other thing when feeding in a planted tank, I don't just dump the food in as it can easily get trapped in the plants, I put it in over a period of time, maybe 10 minutes, its fun to me and nice to watch all the fish eat. Also most of the food gets eaten this way and not wasted causing water probs later.

BTW where in the world are you? and what tank is it, it sounds like a Juwel tank from the dims.

Take care,

03-11-2006, 09:28 AM
Okay guys, I give....220L is....? Paul...dims?

Sharn this is your second stocking question? Your tank sounds awesome so be sure to take some pictures!

Can't get enough of those pictures!


03-11-2006, 10:29 AM

220L is the volume around about 58 US gallons. The
122Lx38Wx47ZH (cm). are the dimensions, about 48" x 15" x 18". Juwel are a German manufacturer popular in Europe.

Take care,

03-11-2006, 03:46 PM
Two points to make - 1) Kuhlii's are a bad choice for a discus tank; 2) Discus natural habitat has very few plants.

With water displacement, plant needs, and bioload from other occupants, I would keep one mated pair of discus in such a set-up.


03-12-2006, 05:50 AM
kindred- that wasnt me? ive only posted my own thread in the meds section, sorry if i double posted by accident, feel free to delete that!

pcsb23- the tank is just a standard old one, got some funky bracing too. the babies are growing out in a BB tank at the moment, they will get moved to a 90L if need be to reach approx 10cm or so before moving into the main tank hopefully. im in good ol new zealand. hopefully the remaining discus (if im allowed them) will be 10-12cm.

shinshin- could you explain why the khulis bad choices? too higher temp? i dont know much at all about natural discus enviroments and their plants but i see alot of extremely heavily planted discus tanks around and they look stunning, do problems happen with heavily planted tanks? the main bulk of the plants would be around the back and sides, i will leave the front half free for swimming room. i am not wanting to breed discus at all, just have a happy, beautiful tank.

if i cant fit more than 4 i will have to look at giving them up, i have just re-done this whole tank getting ready for planting so cant upgrade without ALOT of hassle. i know theyre happier in groups so dont want to cause problems not keeping enough

the tank will be running a 1200lph canister filter with spray bar for some more airation, i thought that would do a relativly good turn over?

thanks to all who replied, much appreciated!!

03-12-2006, 12:47 PM
Yes, too high of water temp for Kuhlii's in a discus tank. I used to have a 90gal planted tank. Yes, it was a beautiful sight to look at. It was just not condusive to keeping discus. I believe in large water changes. The plants didn't like that. Detritus and food is often trapped and hidden aiding in fouling the water. Gravel harbors parasites and toxins. Sand would a be better substrate, clay probabally the best. I don't know which you have.

Overall, discus just don't do their best in such an enviroment. Some argue this point. Other's aggree. And, if you are looking for a natural biotope, plants are all wrong for discus.


03-12-2006, 05:36 PM
i have sand as a substrate, just switched a while ago from gravel. i will get the khulis out to another tank or home if they dont fit in elsewhere, wont have to be for a while though cause my discus havent moved in yet and wont be for a while, i want to get things stable before i put them in. gunna be a mission catching them lol.

once my plants in there tank hold (a few val, crypts, amazon sword, marbled sword, microsword, java fern, osiris sword and anuis nana) ill see how things look, its looking fine now even though its a bit bare so i might just leave things be, dont wana make them super uncomfortable!

thanks for that shinshin, gives me something to think about!