View Full Version : cable woes...

03-11-2006, 06:31 AM
Hi all,
I love the hi speed connection of cable...but I have to say... getting service on it is really a pain.. I have had intermitten outages since I signed up last month.. 3 service calls to repair..The last being this past week.. It takes my provider an average 2-3 days just to get out here and fix the issue....in 2 of the those 3 services calls the issues resolved themselves before a tech could check the lines..so of course nothing wrong could be found.

Just wondering how realiable has your service a been and how quickly does your company respond to calls.


Doug A
03-11-2006, 08:41 AM
Hi Al,

Sorry to hear you're having some problems with the cable internet. It really is a pain in the butt when it doesn't work properly. I haven't had any major proplems with mine in quite awhile. http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/15/15_10_2.gifIt use to go out maybe once a month or less a few years ago.

How quicly do they respond??? Well first you have to make a phone call and sit on hold for 15 min to an hour to actually talk to a human. Then make an appointment for service which could be the next day or next week. Since I live in an area where most people have $$$ (wish I was one of them). They usually come rather quickly.

What kind of problems are you having. The cable company may just be having difficulties with the equipment on their end. I found that reseting the modem sometimes helps. If reseting doesn't work i use a hammer, baseball bat, or anything heavy that you can swing hard and fast. http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/3/3_8_14.gifhttp://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/3/3_8_3.gif When I visit I'll show you my technique. :D


03-11-2006, 09:41 AM
:) Hi Al, I've had cable for sev'l yrs now with very few problems. Just recently had an outage, called, & like Doug said, waited thru the menus to get to a human...then he couldn't do anything, so made an app't & sure enough 4 days away!! Needless to say I was not happy
'bout that, but what're gonna do?? I got a call from a tech one hour later & they had it fixed...something out on the road somewhere... made me very happy & then I realized something...I am addicted!! Never thought I'd rely so much on technology, just the thought of 4 days without the d*mm thing had me in a rip...
Anyway, give it time, you'll love it..so much better than dial-up which most ppl have in Tn, but I'm gonna sign up with satellite, no cable in my area, boo hoo!!!!!:cry: Dottie

03-11-2006, 09:58 AM
Sometimes it will go out of sync... When I had cable at my old house, it would go out occasionally. If you unplug the power to the modem, wait a few minutes, then plug it back in, it should try to re-sync itself. It's called doing a "power cycle" or "hard reset" depending on who you talk to :)

I always try that first. Otherwise, I only had a few situations where it would be out for extended periods of time, and I lived WAY out in the woods. I wasn't even supposed to have cable, but the previous tenant in the house griped and moaned (he was a professional eBayer and had several PCs online at once) and the cable company buried the service line half a mile out into the woods to his house :) Wow, lucky me.


03-11-2006, 10:00 AM
Dottie, we live in the woods and have satellite. It's intermittent at best :( Some days it's great and some days it's slower than dial-up. There's a download cap so after you hit a certain max number, it cuts off the high-speed and puts you at a dial-up rate. They don't tell you that directly, but it's in the User Agreement as FAP (Fair Access Policy). Maybe it'll be better in TN than FL :(

03-11-2006, 10:15 AM
Dottie, we live in the woods and have satellite. It's intermittent at best :( Some days it's great and some days it's slower than dial-up. There's a download cap so after you hit a certain max number, it cuts off the high-speed and puts you at a dial-up rate. They don't tell you that directly, but it's in the User Agreement as FAP (Fair Access Policy). Maybe it'll be better in TN than FL :(

OMG Ryan, I'll definitely have to look into that one!!:cry: :cry: Talked to the rep recently & he assured me how nice it'd be, it's a new addition to the satellite co... You were sooo lucky to have that cable deal.. & you don't have it now?? That's very troubling..I thought satellite would be as good as cable..There is cable in nearby town, but they claim not enough ppl on my road to bring it thru.. woe is me!! :sad: Guess I'll have to pester the cable co & start a mutiny, hahahaha Dottie

03-11-2006, 10:21 AM
Ryan..Just another thought; when the cable goes out, as in this past outage I had, the cable co. discounts the hrs/days & takes it off the bill.. in this case 4 days, even tho I got it right back,('course I didn't correct that one, lol) wonder if you kept track of those days that you lose the DHL you could pester the satellite co. & demand a refund on the # of days you are put on dial-up... if cable does it why not?????:p

03-11-2006, 10:31 AM
hi Al
I had the same problem with intermitten outages, had the techs out 3 times with no fix from them. It turned uot to be my cable modem. I went to the cable office and asked for a new modm and havent had a prob since. Might be worth a try. HTH

03-11-2006, 10:54 AM
Thanks Earl,
If it happens again I'll try that..


03-11-2006, 11:41 AM
Other than not being able to straighten out my billing, my cable has been great - with the occasional re-boot of the modem like every one else...

We're fortunate to actually have more than one company to choose from and they're in a price war (like the old days at the gas pump). I have high speed cable for only $15 per month ;)

03-11-2006, 02:40 PM
Quote Jeep
We're fortunate to actually have more than one company to choose from and they're in a price war (like the old days at the gas pump). I have high speed cable for only $15 per month ;)

:shocked: OMG Brian, you are soooo lucky!!!!!!!!!!!! Mine is triple that!! Kansas huh? I wish Tn would catch up, lol, Dottie

03-11-2006, 03:40 PM
I have comcast cable. My cable was great until they upgraded to a higher speed. Then it was never up it seemed. I called like every other day for over a month, they couldnt do anything but suggest a restart. I got a new modem after one tech suggested, but that didnt work. They rewired from the connection to the house.... nada.
Well, we finally got a tech in here that said they were having a major meeting on their upgrades for speed, lotsa complaints. The cable company went back to the old speed, and NO PROBLEMS! In another two months they tried the upgrade again, and NO PROBLEMS!
Hopefully that inst what is happening. But it is worth posing the question.

Also--- a side note..

You want to make sure you lockdown your cable access security. THere are ways to see who in your area has cable, and you can easily say YES to jump on their stream. THis bad you ask me why?? Cuz if they are reporting your ip addy and doing anything that is suggestive... porno, sites watched by fbi etc, it will point back to YOU. We all know how easy it is for the government to ask now, and clear it up later. I am sure Ryan and others out there can clarify what is needed.

Good Luck!

03-11-2006, 07:24 PM
THere are ways to see who in your area has cable, and you can easily say YES to jump on their stream.

there's no way to tell if someone has internet cable access from the outside of the house/building.

i think you mean "wireless", which you can tell they may have, and if its not protected, you can join in.

03-11-2006, 08:50 PM

You are SOOOOO right. I Was thinking wireless. I guess I have been laid off too long? (I was a dispatcher and invoicer for an IT Company. ) Thanks for the quick pick up and I so apologize for my blunder!!!
Carry on.