View Full Version : New Juvie

03-12-2006, 12:28 AM
I just got a 2" juvie...not sure what it is...looks like a panda but red and white instead of orange and white.

I've put him in a 55 gallon tank to grow him out and have a question:

I have a young (10 mo. old) stunted discus in another tank with adult discus. Do you think it would be a good idea to put him in with the new juvie to A) give the juvie company and B) give the runt a chance to grow a little more (as he won't have to compete for food).

The stunted one is about 3" and a beautiful color...too bad he's a runt.

Is whatever causes the stunting strictly a matter of genetics? His runtness can't be 'catching', right?

Also: I might buy my 1st mail order discus soon: I've never had a leopard or albino...I thought I might like to get a couple. Any suggestions of a good reputable place with fair prices?

Thanks in advance.


03-12-2006, 01:43 AM
Without a doubt Frank at Gold Mt Discus has the best prices for quality Albinos and Spotteds. His banner is above. (If not, wait a second, lol.)


03-12-2006, 03:50 AM
I was looking at Gold Mt. Discus....how about Gulf Coast Discus? Has anyone ordered from there before?

03-12-2006, 11:16 AM
Hi Bob,

I know first hand Frank has new spotted Discus...you really can't go wrong with him...Highly Recommended!!

I have not ordered from Dan but he has some new imports from Roy in Singapore and I know Roy breeds some very nice Discus also.

The other option would be to find someone local to you who may breed or import Discus...that way you can go in person and pick out your own Discus.

HTH, Lester

03-12-2006, 01:04 PM
Is whatever causes the stunting strictly a matter of genetics?

stunting has more to do with their environmental conditions (ie -bad) than genetics, altho some fish just grow slower/not as much as others.

His runtness can't be 'catching', right?

right, its not contagious

03-12-2006, 01:45 PM
In this case, it was genetics...I got him with 5 others back in August. They all shared a tank and received the same number of water changes/food. The other 5 grew up nicely...still growing...they're about 5-6" now. He's about a 21/2 incher.

Re: a local breeder/importer. I'm not aware of any in my area. The closest to Northern New Jersey is Gwynbrook Farms in MD....not worth the drive. WHile I've never been, the selection and prices aren't what I'm looking for.

My only reservation with Gold Mt Discus is the site seems very new, very under constuction ....also, while there are many pictures of discus, they are not labeled (so I don't know what strain I'm looking at. While Gulf coast discus has pics of the actual fish you are buying along with what they'll look like as adults.

However, I do like the fact that many have spoken very highly of Gold Mt's quality....

I'm torn. Do either take credit cards? I'd ask them, but it's Sunday and their sites don't say.

03-12-2006, 02:31 PM
As far as stunting goes, I've also found it can be a result of being at the bottom of the heirarchy in the tank. The less dominant fish will usually not get as much food as the others. This will inevitably lead to slower growth and even stunting.

I've always paid for my fish with Paypal whenever I order from anyone. Both Dan and Frank will do very well for you. I'd order from either without hesitation. I think it's a matter of who has the fish in stock that you want.

03-12-2006, 04:24 PM
They both take paypal. That means credit cards are accepted. Frank's pics are of the fish he is selling also. I agree, I would like them labeled tho, :)
Gulf Coast charges 3% more if you use paypal. Dunno the shipping difference.
I have heard great things about both.

03-12-2006, 06:13 PM
I am fortunate enough to live in driving distance of GulfCoast, he has a great setup, and is helpful and generous, as is Gold Mt Discus, as I have heard here. Can't go wrong with either!

03-13-2006, 04:37 PM
I think I'm going to place an order with Gulf Coast Discus as they have they kind of spotteds I'm looking for...

(Gold Mt. might as well, but I can't really figure out what he's got in stock based upon pictures that are not labeled)

Anyone on the North Jersey/ Long Island/NYC/CT area interested in going in on an order with me to save on shipping? Dan just got some nice new babies that became available as of yesterday.
